Chao Liu


FacultyName:Chao Liu



Office:510, Shenghua Building



B.S.,Polymer Materials and Engineering, AnhuiJianzhu University,2006−2010

M.S.,Materials Science, AnhuiJianzhu University,2011−2014

Ph.D.,Materials Science, HefeiUniversity of Technology,2014−2018


ChaoLiu was born in Huaibei, China in 1988. He received a Bachelor ofScience (Polymer Materials and Engineering) from Anhui JianzhuUniversity in 2010, and a PhD (2018) in Materials Science from HefeiUniversity of Technology under the direction of Professor YunshengDing, then he joined the Experimental Teaching Center, HefeiUniversity of Technology, as an Experimentalist in 2019. He is aSenior Member of the Chinese Chemical Society. His research interestsrevolve around blends and composites of silicon-containing polymermaterials.


ChaoLiu’s research interests cover blends and composites ofsilicon-containing polymer materials, EMI materials and cablematerials.

  • Silicon-containingpolymer materials

  • Blend

  • Composite


  • High-performancepolymer


ChaoLiu has taught undergraduate classes in Chemical EngineeringTraining, Principle of Chemical Engineering, and Polymer ChemistryExperiment.

SelectedFunded Projects:

GrantNo. 201903a05020027, Major Science and Technology Projects of AnhuiProvince, 2020-2022;

GrantNo. 2021A488, Postdoctoral Projects of Anhui Province, 2021-2023;

SelectedAwards and Honors:

2022Third Class of Teaching (Graduate) achievement Award of AnhuiProvince


ShihongRen, Zhunhan Li, Wenjuan Zhou, Jiaji Zhu, Yongpu Zhao, ChaoLiu*, et al.Simultaneous robustness, reprocessing and self-healing of castoroil-based polyurethane vitrimers enabled by supramolecularnitrogen-coordinated dynamic covalent boronic ester[J]. IndustrialCrops & Products,2023,206: 117738.

JingangXie, Chao Liu,Haoguan Gui*, Yunsheng Ding, Chao Yao, Tao Zhang*. Nanofibrous,hierarchically porous poly(ether sulfone) xerogels templated from gelemulsions for removing organic vapors and particulate matters[J].Colloids and SurfacesA: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects,2022,648: 129172.

LangChen, Ping Wang*, Li Yang, Jiacheng Ling, ChaoLiu*, Yi Wang, et al.Enhanced dielectric properties of high glass transition temperaturePDCPD/BaTiO3composites by frontal ring-opening metathesis polymerization[J].Materials Letters,2022,310: 131492.

GuolongSang, Pei Xu*, ChaoLiu, Ping Wang,Xianhai Hu, Yunsheng Ding*. Synergetic effect of Ni@MWCNTs and hybridMWCNTs on electromagnetic interference shielding performances ofpolyurethane-matrix composite foams[J]. Industrial& Engineering Chemistry Research.2020,59: 15233-15241.

ChaoLiu, Ping Wang,Jinping Hu, Sheng Cheng, Shuchao Pan, Pei Xu*, et al. Effect of phasemorphology on electromagnetic interference shielding performance ofsilicone rubber/POE blends containing ILs modified MWCNTs[J].Synthetic Metals,2019,256: 116140.

ChaoLiu, Chuyang Yu,Guolong Sang, Pei Xu*, Yunsheng Ding*. Improvement in EMI shieldingproperties of silicone rubber/POE blends containing ILs modified withcarbon black and MWCNTs[J]. AppliedSciences, 2019,9: 1774.

ChaoLiu, Gang Ruan, PingWang, Yiyang Zhou, Pei Xu*, Yunsheng Ding*. Synergistic effect of ILsmodified MWCNTs on enhanced dielectric properties of siliconerubber/POE blends[J]. MaterialsLetters, 2019,239: 203-206.
