Introduction:The applied chemistry discipline began recruiting master's degreestudents in 1984, making it one of the earliest master's degreeprograms at Hefei University of Technology. It began recruitingundergraduate students majoring in applied chemistry in 2002. In2014, it was approved as a pilot major of comprehensive reformprogram in Anhui Province. In 2021, it was awarded as a nationalfirst-class undergraduate major construction site.

Trainingobjectives: The major of applied chemistry cultivatescomprehensive development of moral, intellectual, physical,aesthetics and labor education, with a correct political stance, goodmoral cultivation, a high sense of social responsibility, scientificand humanistic qualities, a solid basic knowledge, basic theories andbasic skills of applied chemistry, and a broad-minded andhigh-quality applied research talents with international vision,strong sense of innovation and practical ability, who can engage inscientific research, technology development and productionapplications in applied chemistry disciplines such as fine chemicalsynthesis and new energy conversion and utilization.

Employmentdirection: Graduates of applied chemistry major have strongadaptability and broad employment prospects. Graduates could beengaged in the preparation, R&D and application research ofrelated products in the fields of petrochemicals, automobiles,chemicals, daily chemicals, pesticides, medicine, environmentalprotection and other fine chemicals. Graduates could also be engagedin technology R&D, process design, testing and productionmanagement in the fields of new energy materials, photovoltaicmaterials and other fields. Moreover, they can also be engaged inteaching and research work in colleges, universities and scientificresearch units.


Establishingan integrated innovation practice platform that combines thecultivation of practical abilities with professional educationthrough “science education, competition education, and industryeducation”.

Formingtwo distinctive directions: synthesis of fine chemicals andconversion and utilization of new energy.

Maincourses: Inorganic Chemistry, Organic Chemistry, PhysicalChemistry, Analytical Chemistry, Spectroscopic Principles andAnalysis, Modern Instrument Analysis, Inorganic synthetic chemistry,Organic Synthetic Chemistry, Polymer Chemistry, Chemical EngineeringPrinciples, Electrochemical Principles and Testing Technology, NewEnergy Conversion Principles and Technology, Basic ChemistryExperiments, Chemical Engineering Principles Experiments

Durationof study: four years, graduation with a bachelor of technologydegree.
