Xiaoming Fan


FacultyName:Xiaoming Fan



Office:405, Shenghua Building




B.S.,Inorganic Nonmetallic Materials Engineering, DalianUniversity of Technology,2004-2008

Ph.D.,Chemical Engineering, DalianUniversity of Technology,2008-2014


XiaomingFan received a Bachelor of Engineering (Inorganic NonmetallicMaterials Engineering) from Dalian University of Technology, China in2008, and a PhD in Chemical Engineering from Dalian University ofTechnology in 2014.  He was a postdoctoral fellow in the School ofMaterials Science and Technology of Hefei University of Technologyfrom 2016-2022. He started academic appointment at Hefei Universityof Technology in 2015 and joined the School of Chemistry and ChemicalEngineering.


XiaomingFan’s research interests revolve around energy storage andconversion. They spanfundamentalissues related to the synthesis of carbon-based materials and theirapplications in batteries and electrocatalysis.

Keywords: carbon, composites, batteries, electrocatalysis


Principlesof Chemical Engineering, Mechanical Fundamentals of ChemicalEngineering Equipment

SelectedFunded Projects:

  1. Mechanismof morphology and structure transformation for 2D nanosilicon/carboncomposites in molten salts system and their lithium storagepropertiesGrantNo.21808046,National Natural Science Foundation of China, 2019-2021.

SelectedAwards and Honors:

  1. Anhuiteaching achievement prize, 2019.


  1. XiaomingFan*#,Ting Cai#, Shuying Wang, Zeheng Yang, Weixin Zhang*.CarbonNanotube-Reinforced Dual Carbon Stress-Buffering for Highly StableSilicon Anode Material in Lithium-Ion Battery, Small,2023, 19, 2300431.

  2. YupingLin, XiaomingFan*,Mengqiu Huang, Zeheng Yang, Weixin Zhang*. Preferential Cosubstitution on Ni sites in Ni–Fe oxide arrays enablinglarge-current-density alkaline oxygen evolution, ChemicalScience,2022, 13, 7332-7340.

  3. MiaomiaoJiang, XiaomingFan*,Shuai Cao, Zihan Wang, Zeheng Yanga, Weixin Zhang*. Thermallyactivated carbon–nitrogen vacancies in double-shelled NiFePrussian blue analogue nanocages for enhanced electrocatalyticoxygen evolution, Journalof Materials Chemistry A,2021, 9, 12734-12745.

  4. XiaomingFan#,Zihan Wang#, Ting Cai, Yongsan Yang, Hongchang Wu, Shuai Cao, ZehengYang, Weixin Zhang*. An integrated highly stable anode enabled bycarbon nanotube-reinforced all-carbon binder for enhancedperformance in lithium-ion battery, Carbon,2021, 182, 749-757.

  5. FengruCheng#, XiaomingFan#,Xikui Chen, Cheng Huang, Zeheng Yang, Fei Chen, Mengqiu Huang, ShuaiCao, Weixin Zhang*. Surface-Restructured Core/ShellNiO@Co3O4 Nanocompositesas Efficient Catalysts for the Oxygen Evolution Reaction, Industrial& Engineering Chemistry Research,2019, 58, 16581-16587.

  6. MiaomiaoJiang, XiaomingFan*,Zihan Wang, Zihan Wang, Zeheng Yang, Cheng Huang, Weixin Zhang*.Oriented-Redox Induced Uniform MnO2 Coatingon Ni3S2 NanorodArrays as a Stable Anode for Enhanced Performances of Lithium IonBattery, Langmuir,2020, 36, 13555-13562.

  7. XiaomingFan#,Junhao Zhao#, Zeheng Yang, Weixin Zhang*. A fluoride ion-mediatedcontinuous etching–redeposition strategy to synthesize Sinanocomposites with appropriate SiO2 coatinglayers for Li-ion batteries, ChemicalCommunications,2018,54, 12447-12450.

  8. XiaomingFan#,Chang Yu#, Juan Yang, Zheng Ling, Chao Hu, Mengdi Zhang, JieshanQiu*. A Layered-Nanospace-Confinement Strategy for the Synthesis ofTwo-Dimensional Porous Carbon Nanosheets for High-Rate PerformanceSupercapacitors, AdvancedEnergy Materials,2014, 1401761.

  9. XiaomingFan,Chang Yu, Juan Yang, Zheng Ling, Jieshan Qiu*. Hydrothermalsynthesis and activation of graphene-incorporated nitrogen-richcarbon composite for high-performancesupercapacitors, Carbon, 2014, 70,130-141.

  10. XiaomingFan,Chang Yu, Zheng Ling, Juan Yang, and Jieshan Qiu*. HydrothermalSynthesis of Phosphate-Functionalized Carbon Nanotube-ContainingCarbon Composites for Supercapacitor with Highly StablePerformance, ACSApplied Materials & Interfaces,2013, 5, 2104-2110.
