Jin Ran


FacultyName:Jin Ran


Position:Director of Chemical Technology Center Department

Office:541, Shenghua Building



B.E.,Department of Polymer Materials and Engineering, HefeiUniversity of Technology,2005-2009

D.Sc.,Department of Polymer Science and Engineering, Universityof Science and Technology of China,2010-2015

Postdoc,Department of Chemistry, Universityof Science and Technology of China,2015-2017


RanJin has published over 30 high-level papers as a (co-)firstauthor/corresponding author in internationally renowned SCI journalsin the field of chemical engineering and materials, such as Angew.Chem., Int. Ed., ACS Nano, Prog. Polym. Sci., AIChE J., J. Membr.Sci., and Chem. Eng. Sci. One of these papers has been selected asone of the top 100 influential international papers in China.Additionally, eight invention patents have been granted. Ran hasauthored the Chinese monograph "Homogeneous Ion ExchangeMembranes" and contributed chapters to the English monograph"Ion Exchange Membranes: Design, Preparation, and Applications".Besides, she has hosted/completed nearly ten projects, including theNational key research and development subjects, General Program/YoungScience Program funded by the National Natural Science Foundation ofChina, Special Funding/General Program from postdoctoral sciencefoundation, and Science Frontier Innovation Program. She won thebasic Research Achievement Award of Chemical Society of China andselected as the top young talents in Anhui Province.


Keywords: Ionexchange membranes,sidechain engineering, two-dimensional separation membranes,two-dimensional confined channels.

ProfessorRan researches on the design and preparation of membrane separationmaterials for energy conversion and storage, resource recycling andclean industrial production.

  1. Researchingon the development of ion exchange membranes.The proposed side chain engineering construction strategy can inducethe orderly accumulation of polymer side chains to formion-selective transport channels and regulate secondaryinteractions, thus achieve efficient ion mass transfer andseparation.

  2. Researchingon the development of two-dimensional separation membranes.The goal is to break the "trade-off" effect between fluxand selectivity and strengthen the process of mass transfer intwo-dimensional confined channels. The two-dimensional channel forefficient mass transfer, suitable for the separation target, isconstructed by regulating the size and chemical environment oftwo-dimensional confined channels to achieve the preparation ofhigh-performance two-dimensional separation membrane.


Principlesof Chemical Engineering, Chemical Machinery and Equipment, AdvancedSeparation Engineering

SelectedFunded Projects:

1.Preparative technique of highly selective anionic membrane forsieving of monovalent/divalent ions, Grant No.2022YFB3805102,National key research and development subjects, 2022

2.Precision construction and ion-sieving enhancement of two-dimensionalcharged and confined channels based on graphene oxide and transitionmetal disulfides, Grant No.22278105, General Program of NationalNatural Science Foundation of China, 2023

3.Construction of high-efficiency ion-sieving confined channels andmechanism based on two-dimensional materials, Grant No.21978062,General Program of National Natural Science Foundation of China, 2023

4.Construction of ion-sieving membranes and mechanism based on MoS2and g-C3N4,Grant No. PA2020GDKC0018, Science Frontier Innovation Program, Understudy, 2018

5.Research and development of insulation/flame retardant polyolefinmaterials for heat, Grant No. W2019JSKF0017, Technology andDevelopment Projects of Enterprises Entrustment, 2019

6.Design and preparation of a new type of topological overhanging anionexchange membrane, Grant No. 21606216, Young Program of NationalNatural Science Foundation of China, 2016

7.Construction based on the ideal microphase separation morphology tobreak the "trade-off" effect between conductivity andstability of anion exchange membranes, Grant No. JZ2018HGTB0242,Academic Newcomer Promotion Program B project, 2018

SelectedAwards and Honors:

1.Being a youth top talent of Anhui Province

2.Winning the basic Research Achievement Award of Chemical Society ofChina

3.Being a delegate to the 11th Congress of Anhui Science and TechnologyAssociation

4.Director of Anhui Chemical Industry Association


JinRan*,Ting Pan, Yuying Wu, Chengquan Chu, Peng Cui, Tongwen Xu*, et.al.Endowing g-C3N4Membranes with Superior Permeability and Stability by Using AcidSpacers, AngewandteChemie,InternationalEdition,2019, 58, 16463-16468.

YuyingWu, Cen-Feng Fu, Qiang Huang, Pengpeng Zhang, JinRan*,Tongwen Xu*, et.al. 2D Heterostructured Nanofluidic Channels forEnhanced Desalination Performance of Graphene Oxide Membranes, ACSNano,2021, 15, 7586-7595.

YongLi, Rui Jia, Ruonan Tan, Ziqiang Hong, Jingjing Gu, JinRan*,Cen-Feng Fu*, et.al. Ionization-Engineered Two-Dimensional ConfinedChannels in GO Membranes for Highly Efficient OH-Separation, AIChEJournal,accepted.

PengpengZhang, Yuying Wu, Wenya Liu, Peng Cui, Qiang Huang, JinRan*.Construction of Two Dimensional Anion Exchange Membranes to BoostAcid Recovery Performances, JournalofMembraneScience,2021, 618,118692.

QiangHuang, Shichao Zhang, Xinxin Li, Yuying Wu, JinRan*,Tongwen Xu, et.al. Intelligent Graphene Oxide Membranes with pHTunable Channels for Water Treatment, ChemicalEngineeringJournal,2022, 431, 133462.

QiangHuang, Xinxin Li, Pengpeng Zhang, Shichao Zhang, Yahua Liu, JinRan*,et.al. Boosting Ion Exclusion of Two Dimensional TMD LamellarMembranes via In-plane Engineering Strategy, ChemicalEngineeringScience,2022, 249, 117330.

JinRan*,Chengquan Chu, Ting Pan, Liang Ding, Peng Cui*, Tongwen Xu*, et.al.Non-covalent Cross-linking to Boost the Stability and Permeability ofGraphene-oxide-based Membranes, JournalofMaterialsChemistryA,2019, 7, 8085-8091.

JinRan*,Liang Ding, Chengquan Chu, Xian Liang, Ting Pan, Tongwen Xu*, et.al.Highly Conductive and Stabilized Side-chain-type Anion ExchangeMembranes: Ideal Alternatives for Alkaline Fuel Cell Applications,JournalofMaterialsChemistryA,2018, 6, 17101-17110.

JingjingGu, Ziqiang Hong, Suixin Zhang, Yong Li, JinRan*,Peng Cui*, et.al. Confined Intercalating Sulfonated Graphene QuantumDots into GO Laminates for Fast Alkali Recovery, JournalofMembraneScience,2023, 685, 121978.

JinRan,Liang Wu, Zhenghui Zhang, Tongwen Xu*.AtomTransfer Radical Polymerization (ATRP): A Versatile and Forceful Toolfor Functional Membranes, ProgressinPolymerScience,2014, 39, 124-144.
