Yao Jiang


FacultyName:Yao Jiang



Office:545, Shenghua Building




B.S.,Chemical Engineering and Technology, AnqingNormal University,2008-2012

M.S.,Chemical Engineering, NanjingTech University,2013-2016

Ph.D.,Chemical Engineering, NanjingTech University,2016-2019

Postdoc,Chemistry, Universityof South Florida,2019-2020

Postdoc,Materials Science and Engineering, NanjingTech University,2019-2021


YaoJiang earned his Ph.D. degree from Nanjing Tech University and theState Key Laboratory of Materials-Oriented Chemical Engineering in2019. From 2019 to 2021, he worked as a postdoctoral fellow in theDepartment of Chemistry at the University of South Florida and theMaterials Science and Engineering at Nanjing Tech University. Afterthat, he joined the School of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering atHefei University of Technology as a “Huangshan Scholar” talent inNovember 2021.


Dr.Jiang’s current research interest focuses on the development offunctional porous materials, including metal-organic frameworks(MOFs), metal-organic cages (MOCs), covalent organic frameworks(COFs), and porous organic polymers (POPs), for applications inchemical engineering, separation and purification, and environmentalremediation. His work has led to more than 40 papers in peer-reviewedjournals including Acc. Chem. Res., J. Am. Chem. Soc., Angew. Chem.Int. Ed., and AIChE J. as well as several patents.

Functionalporous materials


CO2capture and storage


Principlesof Chemical Engineering


SelectedFunded Projects:

1.Construction of alicyclic alkane-based ethane nano-traps and theirmechanism of adsorption intensification in the separation ofethane/ethylene, Grant No. 22208078, Young Scientists Fund of theNational Natural Science Foundation of China, 2023-2025.

2.Construction of nonpolar metal-organic frameworks for thepurification of methane, Grant No. JZ2023HGTB0226, FundamentalResearch Funds for the Central Universities, 2023-2024.

3.Development of functionally complementary organic amines for CO2capture, Grant No. SKL-MCE-22B11, State Key Laboratory ofMaterials-Oriented Chemical Engineering, 2023-2024.

4.Integration of carbon capture and carbon conversion: development ofhigh-performance amine carbon capture materials and direct conversionof desorbed CO2to produce polypropylene carbonate, Grant No. HCHC202209, High-EndChemical and Cutting-Edge New Materials Technology Innovation Centerof Hefei, 2022-2024.

SelectedAwards and Honors:


1.YaoJiang*,Mingming Xu, Kang Wang, Tao Yang, Shaojun Jia, Xiao-Qin Liu, PengCui, Lin-Bing Sun*. Target-Specific Isolation of Light-SwitchableMetal–Organic Cages within Metal–Organic Frameworks for TunableCO2Adsorption, InorganicChemistry Frontiers,2023, 10(15), 4435-4441.

2.YaoJiang,Peng Tan, Xiao-Qin Liu, Lin-Bing Sun*. Process-Oriented SmartAdsorbents: Tailoring the Properties Dynamically as Demanded byAdsorption/Desorption, Accountsof Chemical Research,2022, 55(1), 75-86.

3.YaoJiang*,Shaojun Jia, Xiao-Qin Liu, Peng Cui, Lin-Bing Sun*. SelectiveAdsorption of Ethane over Ethylene through a Metal–OrganicFramework Bearing Dense Alkyl Groups, Separationand Purification Technology,2022, 295, 121330.

4.YaoJiang#,Peng Tan#,Shi-Chao Qi, Chen Gu, Song-Song Peng, Fan Wu, Xiao-Qin Liu, Lin-BingSun*. Breathing Metal-Organic Polyhedra Controlled by Light forCarbon Dioxide Capture and Liberation, CCSChemistry,2021, 3(6), 1659-1668.

5.YaoJiang,Xiao-Chuan Shi, Peng Tan, Shi-Chao Qi, Chen Gu, Tao Yang, Song-SongPeng, Xiao-Qin Liu, Lin-Bing Sun*. Controllable CO2Capture in Metal-Organic Frameworks: Making Targeted Active SitesRespond to Light, Industrial& Engineering Chemistry Research,2020, 59(50), 21894-21900.

6.YaoJiang,Jinhee Park, Peng Tan, Liang Feng, Xiao-Qin Liu, Lin-Bing Sun*,Hong-Cai Zhou*. Maximizing Photoresponsive Efficiency by IsolatingMetal-Organic Polyhedra into Confined Nanoscaled Spaces, Journalof the American Chemical Society,2019, 141(20), 8221-8227.

7.YaoJiang,Peng Tan, Shi-Chao Qi, Xiao-Qin Liu*, Jia-Hui Yan, Fan Fan, Lin-BingSun*. Metal-Organic Frameworks with Target-Specific Active SitesSwitched by Photoresponsive Motifs: Efficient Adsorbents forTailorable CO2Capture, AngewandteChemie International Edition,2019, 58(20), 6600-6604.

8.Lei Cheng#,YaoJiang#,Shi-Chao Qi, Wei Liu, Shu-Feng Shan, Peng Tan, Xiao-Qin Liu, Lin-BingSun*. Controllable Adsorption of CO2on Smart Adsorbents: An Interplay between Amines and PhotoresponsiveMolecules, Chemistryof Materials,2018, 30(10), 3429-3437.

9.YaoJiang,Shu-Feng Shan, Wei Liu, Jing Zhu, Qiu-Xia He, Peng Tan, Lei Cheng,Xiao-Qin Liu, Lin-Bing Sun*. Rational Design of Thermo-ResponsiveAdsorbents: Demand-Oriented Active Sites for the Adsorption of Dyes,ChemicalCommunications,2017, 53(69), 9538-9541.

10.YaoJiang,Peng Tan, Ying-Hu Kang, Zhi-Min Xing, Lei Cheng, Li Zhu, Xiao-QinLiu, Lin-Bing Sun*. Fabrication of Adsorbents with ThermocontrolledMolecular Gates for Both Selective Adsorption and EfficientRegeneration, AdvancedMaterials Interfaces,2016, 3(11), 1500829.
