Kun Shi


FacultyName:Kun Shi



Office:405, Shenghua Building




B.S.,Process Equipment and Control Engineering, SichuanUniversity,2009-2013

Ph.D.,Chemical Process Machinery, SichuanUniversity,2013-2017


Shiwas born in Shaoyang, Hunan, China. He has obtained the doctorate inMembrane Science and Functional Materials Group, Sichuan University,under the guidance of Professor Liang-yin Chu. In the post-graduatestage, his research fields of interest mainly involved hydrogels,microfluidic technology, membrane materials, etc. And, some originalachievements have been achieved in material synthesis methodology,mechanical regulation research, and design of new intelligentmaterials.

Afterentering the School of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering at HefeiUniversity of Technology, Shi’ research focuses on the energyconversion storage materials and devices such as solid-statelithium-ion batteries, supercapacitors, and electrocatalysts. Amongthem, he has developed a series of high-performance solid-stateelectrolyte membranes through the strategies such as trace solventplasticization, design of polymer-in-salt structure,mechanicalenhancement and heterostructure design to address the key issuesincluding weak room-temperature ionic conductivity, poor interfacialstability, and the difficulty in balancing high voltage resistanceand compatibility toward lithium metal for solid-state polymerelectrolytes. Currently, more than 10 scientific papers have beenpublished and three Chinese invention patents have been authorized.He has led and completed one project of Young Scientists Fund of theNational Natural Science Foundation of China, and is leading anotherone project of National Natural Science Foundation of Anhui Province.In addition, Shi now independently supervises a total of 4 master'sstudents, with 1 to 2 enrollment targets per year in the fields ofchemical engineering and technology.


Shi’current research interests focus on revealing or solving the existingelectrochemical mechanism problems and safety issues based onchemical engineering methods, in the field of energy conversionstorage materials and devices including lithium-ion batteries,solid-state electrolytes, supercapacitors, electrocatalysts, and soon.

Keywords: chemical engineering, lithium-ion battery, solid-stateelectrolyte.


UndergraduateCourses: Principle of Chemical Engineering, Chemical Instrument andAutomation, Course Design of Chemical Engineering Principle, ChemicalEngineering Experiment.

SelectedFunded Projects:

  1. Preparationand Applications of Thermosensitive Hydrogel Electrolytes forSelf-Protection Electrochemical Energy Storage Devices, Grant No.21908037, Young Scientists Fund of the National Natural ScienceFoundation of China, 2020.01.01-2022.12.31.

  2. CollaborativePreparation of Long-cycle and Highly Safe Lithium Battery Separatorby Mass Transfer Regulation and Enhancement, Grant No.JZ2023AKZR0559, National Natural Science Foundation of AnhuiProvince, 2023.09.01-2026.08.31.

  3. Preparationand Electrochemical Performance of Ordered NanostructuredPoly(ethylene oxide)-Based Composite Electrolytes, Grant No.JZ2021HGTB0119,Fundamental Research Funds for the Central Universities,2021.04.01-2023.12.31.

SelectedAwards and Honors:


  1. YupingLin, Kun Shi*,Yang Yang, Zeheng Yang, Weixin Zhang*. Polydopamine-engineereddesign of Nafion-free powder electrode withsuperhydrophilicity/superaerophobicity and superior adhesivestructure for efficient overall water splitting. ChemicalEngineering Science,2023, 281, 119125.

  2. KunShi*, Zhengjie Xu,Dawei Zheng, Zeheng Yang, Weixin Zhang*. Sandwich-like solidcomposite electrolytes employed as bifunctional separators for safelithium metal batteries with excellent cycling performance.Journal of Materials Chemistry A,2022, 10, 4660-4670.

  3. KunShi, Zhengjie Xu,Mengqiu Huang, Lei Zou, Dawei Zheng, Zeheng Yang, etal. Solid-state polymerelectrolytes with polypropylene separator-reinforced sandwichstructure for room-temperature lithium ion batteries. Journalof Membrane Science,2021, 638, 119713.

  4. KunShi*, Dawei Zheng,Zhiming Guo, Zeheng Yang, Weixin Zhang*. Polypropyleneseparator-reinforced polymer-in-salt solid composite electrolytesfor high-performance lithium ion batteries at room temperature.Sustainable Energy& Fuels,2022, 6, 5503-5513.

  5. MengqiuHuang, Kun Shi*,Zhengjie Xu, Yuping Lin, Miaomiao Jiang, Zeheng Yang, etal. Oriented catalyticoxidation induced fabrication of CuO/Mn3O4hierarchical arrays as binder-free electrodes for high-performancesupercapacitor. AdvancedMaterials Interfaces,2021, 8, 2101076.

  6. LeiZou, Kun Shi*,Zhengjie Xu, Zeheng Yang, Weixin Zhang*, Double-layer solidcomposite electrolytes enabling improved room-temperature cyclingperformance for high-voltage lithium metal batteries. ACSOmega, 2022, 7,994-1002.

  7. XiqingLuo#,Miaomiao Jiang#,Kun Shi*,Zhangxian Chen, Zeheng Yang*, Weixin Zhang*, Novel hierarchicalyolk-shell α-Ni(OH)2/Mn2O3microspheres as high specific capacitance electrode materials forsupercapacitors, Frontiersof Chemical Science and Engineering,2021, 15, 1322-1331.

  8. KunShi, Zhuang Liu*,Chao Yang, Xiaoying Li, Yimin Sun, Yi Deng, etal. Novel biocompatiblethermoresponsive poly(N-vinylcaprolactam)/clay nanocomposite hydrogels with macroporous structureand improved mechanical characteristics, ACSApplied Materials & Interfaces,2017, 9: 21979-21990.

  9. KunShi, Zhuang Liu*,Yunyan Wei, Wei Wang, Xiaojie Ju, Rui Xie, etal. Near-infraredlight-responsive poly(N-isopropylacrylamide)/graphene oxidenanocomposite hydrogels with ultrahigh tensibility, ACSApplied Materials & Interfaces,2015, 7: 27289-27298.
