




Office:539,Shenghua Building




B.S.,Paper-makingEngineering, NorthwestInstitute of Light Industry,1987-1991

M.S.,AppliedChemistry, HefeiUniversity of Technology,1994-1997

Ph.D.,InorganicChemistry, Universityof Science and Technology of China,2001-2004

Postdoc,MolecularMagnetism,Centrede Recherche Paul Pascal (CRPP) of the French National Centre forScientific Research,2006-2007


XuetingLiuis presently an associate professor at School of Chemistry andChemical Engineering, Hefei University of Technology, China. Hereceived his Bachelor Degree inPaper-makingEngineering from Northwest Institute of Light Industry, China in1991. After working in Anhui Paper-making Factory for three years, hebegan to pursuit his Master Degree in Applied Chemistry from HefeiUniversity of Technology between 1995 and 1997. After graduation, hejoined the faculty at Hefei University of Technology. In 2004, hereceived his Ph.D. in Inorganic Chemistry from University of Scienceand Technology of China, and then did his CSC postdoctor at Centre deRecherche Paul Pascal (CRPP) of the French National Centre forScientific Research from 2006 to 2007. Dr. XuetingLiuresearch interests include MOFs-based catalysts for adsorption andphotocatalytic degradation of dye-containing waste water and CO2green conversion, molecular magnetic materials and artificial coloredsand. He is the recipient of the Prize of Science and Technology ofAnhui Province, and the Prize of Teaching Achievement from EducationDepartment of Anhui Province.  


Metal-organicframeworks (MOFs) based photocatalytic materials for treatment ofdye-containing waste water by adsorption and photodegradation;MOFs-based catalysts for CO2green conversion; molecular magnetic materials; artificial coloredsand as pigment; waterproofing coating.

Keywords:MOFs; heterocatalyst; CO2conversion; artificial colored sand; waterproofing coating.


Principlesof Chemical Engineering, Mechanical Foundation of Chemical Equipment

SelectedFunded Projects:

Research,development and industrialization of key technology of highwear-resistant and low temperature sintered artificial colored sand,GrantNo.201904a05020033,KeyResearch and development projects of Anhui Province,2019.01-2021.12

In-situconstruction and synergistic mechanism of mesoporous spherical MOF@Ag/AgXcomposite photocatalysts, GrantNo.1908085MB42,AnhuiProvincial Natural Science Foundation. 2019.07-2022.06

SelectedAwards and Honors:

TheThird Class Prize of Science and Technology of Anhui Province:Application and Manufactural Key Technology of Energy-saving andEnvironmental-benign of Artificial Colored Sand.


[1]Xueting Liu, Chunhui Hu, Jingjing Wu, Peng Cui, Fengyu Wei*.Defective NH2-UiO-66(Zr) effectively converting CO2into cyclic carbonate under ambient pressure, solvent-free andco-catalyst-free conditions, ChineseJournal of Chemical Engineering,2022, 43: 222-229.

[2]Xueting Liu*, Ying Fan, Yuan Li, Wenkui Liu, Jingjing Wu, ChangmingLiu, Bin Yang, Zhicheng Pang. The enhanced surface properties ofgeopolymer inorganic coatings by adding with MgO,Journalof Coatings Technology and Research.,2022, 19 (3): 947–957.

[3]Xueting Liu, Chunhui Hu, Jingjing Wu, Hongcheng Zhu, Yuan Li, PengCui, Fengyu Wei*. The assembly of novel Ag-based NP@MOFs mesoporousspherical composites and their enhanced catalytic performance inphotodegradation and chemical conversion of CO2with epoxide, Journalof Solid State Chemistry,2021, 296:121889.

[4]Xueting Liu, Hongcheng Zhu, Jingjing Wu, Fang Wang, Fengyu Wei*. Theimproved photocatalytic capacity derived from AgImodifed mesoporousPANI spherical shell with open pores, Researchon Chemical Intermediates,2019, 45:2587.

[5]Sunfeng Li, Xing Wang, Qinqin He, Qi Chen, Yanli Xu, Hanbiao Yang,Mengmeng Lü, Fengyu Wei*, Xueting Liu*. Synergistic effects inN-K2Ti4O9/UiO-66-NH2composites and their photocatalysis degradation of cationicdyesChineseJournal of Catalysis,2016, 37: 367.

[6]Qi Chen, Qinqin He, Mengmeng Lv, Yanli Xu, Hanbiao Yang, XuetingLiu*, Fengyu Wei*. Selective adsorption of cationic dyes byUiO-66-NH2,AppliedSurface Science,2015, 327: 77.

[7]Qi Chen, Qinqin He, Mengmeng Lv, Xueting Liu*, Jin Wang, Jianping Lv.The vital role of PANI for the enhanced photocatalytic activity ofmagnetically recyclable N-K2Ti4O9/MnFe2O4/PANIcomposites, AppliedSurface Science,2014, 311: 230.

[8]Xueting Liu*, Xinyi Wang, Weixin Zhang, Peng Cui, Song Gao*. Weakferromagnetism and dynamic magnetic behavior in a single end-to-endazide-bridged nickel(II) chain, AdvancedMaterials,2006, 18: 2852.
