Maofeng Zhang


FacultyName:Maofeng Zhang


Position:Director of the Department of Energy and Chemical Engineering

Office:318, Administration Building



B.S.,Chemical Engineering, HefeiUniversity of Technology (HFUT),2000-2004

M.S.,AnalyticalChemistry, JinanUniversity,2004-2006

Ph.D.,Inorganic Chemistry, Universityof Science and Technology of China (USTC),2006-2008

Postdoc,Materials Engineering, USTC,2008-2010


MaofengZhang received the B.S. degree in Chemical Engineering from HefeiUniversity of Technology in 2004, the M.S. degree in AnalyticalChemistry from Jinan University in 2006 and the Ph. D degree ininorganic chemistry from University of Science and Technology ofChina in 2008. Dr. Zhang joined HFUT in 2015 after receiving hisdoctorate at USTC. During this period, he went to WashingtonUniversity in St. Louis as a visiting scholar to study for one year.

MaofengZhang is currently a professor at Hefei University of Technology,director of the Department of Energy and Chemical Engineering, and amember of the Royal Society of Chemistry (RSC) and the AmericanChemical Society (ACS). His currently interests include Micro nanobiochemical sensing and devices, synthesis of functionalnanomaterials, energy catalysis, and energy nanomaterials anddevices. He has published multiple high-quality papers in theresearch field and has been reported by magazine media multipletimes. In 2022, he won the second prize of China Petroleum andChemical Education and Teaching Achievement Award.

Inaddition to his academic experience, he has many years of teachingexperience as an instructor of "Internet plus" competition,undergraduate innovation and entrepreneurship training and othercompetitions, leading the undergraduate and graduate students of theresearch group to achieve excellent results. In 2021, he won theOutstanding Tutor Award for his undergraduate graduation project(thesis), and in 2022, he won the "Moral Education and TalentCultivation" Award from Hefei University of Technology.


Currently,Zhang’s group is committed to three directions: 1. Micro nanobiochemical sensing materials and devices; 2. Synthesis of functionalnanomaterials and energy catalysis; 3. Energy nanomaterials anddevices. Representative research achievements include: (1) Portablerapid detection platform based on surface enhanced Raman spectroscopy(SERS): design and development of sensing chips based on SERStechnology, and development of new spectral technologies anddetection methods.

(2)Research on Key Technologies of POCT Detection Platform for DiseaseMarkers: Designed and assembled a non-invasive detection platformbased on rapid detection and screening of disease markers such askidney cancer, lung cancer, and myocarditis, and developed in vitronon-destructive disease marker detection technology.

(3)Light Induced Enhanced Raman Scattering (PIERS): Various forms ofPIERS substrates have been developed, enriching and developing themechanism of light induced enhanced Raman scattering. We haveachieved the maximum magnification of light induced enhancementeffect reported in a small amount of literature.

Mr.Zhangpublished over 50 papers in this field, including ACS Sensors and J.Mater Chem C, Analyst, J. Phys Chem C. Phys Chem Chem Phys, Eur. J.Inorg. Chem, International journals such as Energy Technology. Amongthem, 3 cover papers, 2 inner cover papers, 1 paper was selected as aresearch highlight by international academic media Advanced ScienceNews and ChemistryViews, and 1 paper was awarded as an excellentyouth paper at the 20th National Light Scattering AcademicConference.


Fundamentalsof Energy Catalysis, Chemical Professional English, Innovation andEntrepreneurship Training, Professional Introduction

SelectedFunded Projects:

1.Researchon the Mechanism of Multi enhanced Raman Scattering in 3D Nanowellsand High Sensitivity Visualization Detection of Micro/Nanoplastics,62275072, The general project of the National Natural ScienceFoundation of China, 2023.1.1-2026.12.31.

2.Researchon Light Induced Enhanced Raman Effect and Pesticide ResidueDetection of MOFs Derived Semiconductor Heterojunction/Precious MetalMicro Nano Porous Structure Modulation, 2208085MB35, Anhui ProvincialNatural Science Foundation's general project, 2022.1.1-2024.12.31.

3.Designand Research of Visual Reagent Kits for Harmful Pollutants inAgricultural Products, JZ2021AKKG0328, Anhui Province Key Researchand Development Plan Project, 2021.1.1-2023.12.31.

4.Researchon Key Technologies for Identification and Rapid Detection ofPesticide Residues in Traditional Chinese Medicine Based on RamanSpectroscopy, 202004g01020016, Anhui Province Key Research andDevelopment Plan Project, 2020.1.1-2022.12.31.

5.KeyTechnology Research and Development of Tumor Marker Molecular POCTDetection Platform, W2019JSKF0521, Enterprise commissionedcollaborative project, 2019.11-2021.10.

6.Researchon Key Technologies for Identification and Detection of EnvironmentalPollutants Using SERS Technology, W2021JSKF1017, Enterprisecommissioned collaborative project, 2021.12-2024.12.

7.Analysisand Research on SERS Microfluidic Chips Based on ControllableMicroelectromagnetic Fields, 61378038, The general project of theNational Natural Science Foundation of China, 2014.1-2017.12

8.ControllablePreparation of 3D Complex Superstructure SERS Active Substrates andRapid Detection of Trace Explosive Gases, 61205150, The NationalNatural Science Foundation of China project, 2013.1-2015.12.

9.GreenSynthesis, Surface Enhanced Raman Spectroscopy, and ApplicationResearch of Precious Metal Micronano Materials with 3D ComplexStructures, 201104316, The China Postdoctoral Fund provides specialfunding.

10.GreenSynthesis, Surface Enhanced Raman Spectroscopy, and Applications inTrace Analysis of 3D Complex Silver Superstructures, 2011M501408,Chinese Postdoctoral Fund.

SelectedAwards and Honors:

Thesecond prize of China Petroleum and Chemical Education and TeachingAchievement Award, 2022

The"Moral Education and Talent Cultivation Award" from HefeiUniversity of Technology, 2022

ExcellentTutor for Undergraduate Graduation Design (Thesis), 2021


[1]Zhihao Li, Konghao Han, Anxin Zhang, Tao Wang, MaofengZhang*,Wei Zhang*, etal, Honeycomb-like AgNPs@TiO2array SERS sensor for the quantification of micro/nanoplastics in theenvironmental water samples, Talanta,2024, 266, 125070.

[2]Zhengdong Zhu, Konghao Han, Yating Feng, Zhihao Li, MaofengZhang*,Wei Zhang*, etal, Biomimetic Ag/ZnO@PDMS hybrid nanorodarray-mediated photo-induced enhanced Raman spectroscopy sensor forquantitative and visualized analysis of microplastics, ACSApplied Materials & Interfaces,2023, 15, 36988–36998.

[3]Meng He, Zhihao Li, Yujie Guo, MaofengZhang*,Zhengdong Zhu, Honglin Liu, etal, 3D hot spots droplets on theMoS2/Alhydrophobic array interface for SERS quantitative and multiplexdetection of pesticide residues, AdvancedSustainable Systems,2022, 2200387.

[4]Cheng Ye, Meng He, Zhengdong Zhu, Xiaoyi Shi, MaofengZhang*,Yucheng Wu, etal, A portable SERS sensing platform for the multiplexidentification and quantification of pesticide residues on plantleaves, Journalof Materials Chemistry C,2022, 10, 36, 12966–12974.

[5]MaofengZhang*,Yongkai Liu, Yingchao Feng, Yucheng Wu, Youju Huang, etal, Agnanoparticle-decorated mesoporous silica as a dual-mode Raman sensingplatform for detection of volatile organic compounds, ACSApplied Nano Materials,2021, 4, 2, 1019-1028.

[6]MaofengZhang*,Jian Yang, Yaru Wang, Haoran Sun, Zhiyong Bao, Yucheng Wu, etal,Plasmon-coupled 3D porous hotspots architecture for super-sensitivequantitative SERS sensing of toxic substances on real sample surface,PhysicalChemistry Chemical Physics,2019, 21, 19288-19297.

[7]MaofengZhang*,Haoran Sun, Xin Chen, Jian Yang, Zhiyong Bao, Yucheng Wu, etal,Highly efficient photoinduced enhanced Raman spectroscopy (PIERS)from plasmonic nanoparticles decorated 3D semiconductor arrays forultrasensitive, portable, and recyclable detection of organicpollutants, ACSSensors,2019, 4, 1670-1681.

[8]MaofengZhang*,Tun Chen, Yongkai Liu, Jiluan Zhang, Haoran Sun, Yucheng Wuetal,Plasmonic 3D semiconductor-metal nanopore arrays for reliable SERSdetection and in-site catalytic reaction monitoring, ACSSensors,2018, 11, 2446-2454.

[9]MaofengZhang*,Jintao Meng, Dapeng Wang, Qi Tang, Tun Chen, Liu, Yucheng, Wuetal,Biomimetic synthesis of hierarchical 3D Ag butterfly wing scalesarrays/graphene composites as ultrasensitive SERS substrates forefficient trace chemical detectionJournalof Materials Chemistry C,2018, 6, 1933-1943.

[10]MaofengZhang,Aiwu Zhao*, Henghui Sun, Hongyan Guo, Dapeng Wang, Zibao Gan, etalRapid,large-scale, sonochemical synthesis of 3D nanotextured silvermicroflowers as highly efficient SERS substrates, Journalof Materials Chemistry,2011, 21, 18817–18824.
