Guanping Jin


FacultyName:Guanping Jin


Position:Professor and Teacher

Office:717, Shenghua Building



B.S.,Process Equipment and Control Engineering, AnhuiUniversity,2005-2009

M.S.,Chemical Process Machinery,Analyticalchemistry, Universityof Science and Technology of China,1998-2001

Ph.D.,Analytical Chemistry,Universityof Science and Technology of China, 2001-2004

Visitingprofessor, Physical Chemistry, Universityof Oxford (UK),2007-2008


Shehas been engaged in research on the separation and effectiveutilization of low-value environmental resources for a long time, andthe research involves the separation of rare alkali metals lithiumrubidium cesium in salt lake brine, the electrochemical reduction ofcarbon dioxide and air oxygen, the organic wastewater degradation,and the preparation of electrochemical sensors for heavy metal ions.At present, she has published more than 50 papers and obtained 11authorized patents. 16 national and provincial projects have beencompleted.


(1)Preparation of materials for efficient separation and resourceutilization of salt lake brine.

(2)Electrochemical treatment and resource utilization of environmentalwaste materials such as CO2and sub-precious metal wastewater.

(3)Separation, electrical analysis and detection of heavy metals in foodand drugs.


Undergraduatestudents: "Principles of Electrochemistry", "IndustrialCorrosion and Protection", "Electrolysis andElectroplating".

Graduatestudent: Applied Electrochemistry.

SelectedFunded Projects:

(1)Preparation of nickel nanoparticles by in-situ electrochemistry fromwaste electroless nickel plating by grafting chelating polymer oncarbon fiber. Grant No., 21076054,National NaturalScience Foundation of China,2010-2012

(2)Recoveryof cesium from residual salt lakebrine in Qarham playa of Qaidam Basin with ferricyanidefunctionalized graphene/carbon fibers composite. Grant No., U1407110,National Natural Science Foundation of China, 2014-2016

(3)Efficient separation of lithium from brine of Qarhan Salt Lake usingmodified lithium manganate filled bed electrode reactor. Grant No.,1804e03020316, Anhui Province Key Rresearch and Development Program.2018-2000

(4)MOFs/hydrogel filled bed electrode reactor was used to separaterubidium from old brine in salt lake. Grant No., SQ2020YFF0412719,The Ministry of Science and Technology of China. 2020-2021

(5)Study on rubidium extraction technology from old brine in salt lake.Grant No., 2021-GX-105, The Key Research and Development andTransformation Program Funding in Qinghai Province. 2021-2024

SelectedAwards and Honors:

"Carbon-basedComposite Materials Based on Resource Utilization and EnvironmentalApplication of Electroless nickel Plating Waste Liquid"TheThird Prize of Science and Technology Progress of Anhui Province in2016, rank 1.


  1. ChuanyangJiang, Jiahui Ni, Guanping Jin*, Magneticpotassium cobalt hexacyanoferrate nanocomposites for efficientadsorption of rubidium in solution, Separationand Purification Technology,2022, 296, 121383.

  2. XingzhouLu, Chao Gu, Qi Zhang, Lei Shi; Shikui Han*, Guanping Jin*, Regioselective Construction of Chemically Transformed Phosphide-Metal Nanoheterostructures for Enhanced Hydrogen EvolutionCatalysis, InorganicChemistry,2021, 60 (10), 7269-7275.

  3. XiaoyuanLv, Guanping Jin*, Dingkun Yuan, Yanfeng Ding, Pengxing Long,Improving generation of H2O2and •OH at copper hexacyanocobaltate/graphene/ITO compositeelectrode for degradation of levofloxacin in photo-electro-Fentonprocess, EnvironmentalScience and Pollution Research,2021, 28 (14), 17636-17647.

  4. TaoChen, Guanping Jin*, Gaijun Meng, Xiaoyuan Lv, Yexiao Yu, ChunnianChen, Recovery of cesium using NiHCF/NiAl-LDHs/CCFs composite bytwo-stage membrane-free ESIX process, Journalof Environmental Chemical Engineering, 2019,7, 102799.

  5. JingyuSu, Guanping Jin*, Tao Chen, Xiaodong Liu, Jingjing Tian, Thecharacterization and application of prussian blue at graphene coatedcarbon fibers in a separated adsorption and electrically switchedion exchange desorption processes of cesium, ElectrochimicaActa,2017, 230, 399-406

  6. FangpingChen, Guanping Jin*, Siyao Peng, Xiaodong Liu, Jingjing Tian,Recovery of cesium from residual saltlake brine in Qarham playa ofQaidam Basin with prussianblue functionaliz ed graphene/carbonfibers composite, Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochem. Eng.Aspects, 2016, 509, 509, 359-366.
