



FacultyName: ChengwuShi



Office:514, Shenghua Building



B.S.,Chemistry, AnhuiNormal University,1980-1984

Ph.D.,Materials Physics and Chemistry, ChineseAcademy of Sciences,2002-2005


Teachingcollege courses in Organic Chemistry and Inorganic Chemistry

Workingon solar cell materials and devices


Dye-sensitizedsolar cells

Quantum-dotsolar cells

Perovskitesolar cells

Metalchalcogenide thin film solar cells




SelectedFunded Projects:

1.Relationship of the preparation and photovoltaic performance for allsolid-state lead chalcogenide thin film sensitized TiO2nanorod array solar cells, Grant No. 51972091, National NaturalScience Foundation of China, 2020-01 to 2023-12.

2.The Relationship of the preparation and photovoltaic performance ofcompact and absorber layers for perovskite solar cells, Grant No.51472071, National Natural Science Foundation of China, 2015-01 to2018-12.

3.Close-spaced sublimation preparation of SnS2/SnSheterojunction with the same elements and different valences and itsinfluence on the photovoltaic performance of solar cells, Grant No.51272061, National Natural Science Foundation of China,  2013-01 to2016-12.

4.Basic research on high efficiency and low cost thin film photovoltaicmaterials and devices, Grant No. 2011CBA00700, 973 project, Ministryof Science and Technology of China, 2011-01 to 2015-08.

5.The relationship of preparation and photovoltaic performance ofCu2ZnSnS4thin film solar cells, Grant No. 51072043, National Natural ScienceFoundation of China,  2011-01 to 2013-12.

6.Basic research on the key scientific and technical issues oflarge-scale low-cost long-life solar cells, Grant No. 2006CB202600,973 project, Ministry of Science and Technology of China, 2006-01 to2010-10.

SelectedAwards and Honors:

TheScience and technology award of Anhui province, China, First prize,Development of key technology and industrial application of renewableamine desulfurizer, 2017.

TheOutstanding teacher of Anhui province, China, 2014.

Theteaching achievement of Anhui province, China, First prize, 2008.

Theteaching achievement of Anhui province, China, Highest prize, 2005.


1.Kai Lv, ChengwuShi*,Rui Cao, Wangchao Chen, Guiju Hu, Fuling Guo, et al. Effect ofThickness and Se Distribution of Sb2S3-ySeyThin Films to Solar Cell Efficiency, MaterialsToday Energy,2023, 36, 101367.

2.Xuerui Han, ChengwuShi*,Yuye Huang, Kai Lv, Wangchao Chen, Fuling Guo, et al. PrecisePreparation of CdS Thin Films for Efficient Sb2S3-ySeyThin Film Solar Cells, ACSApplied Energy Materials,2023, 6, 6311-6316.

3.Kai Lv, ChengwuShi*,Yang Yang, Qi Wang, Xun Sun, Wangchao Chen. The Pyrolysis Preparationof the Compact and Full-coverage AgSbS2Thin Films and the Photovoltaic Performance of the CorrespondingSolar Cells. Journalof Materials Science & Technology,2022, 98, 268-271.

4.Chengfeng Ma, ChengwuShi*,Kai Lv, Chao Ying, Shasha Fan, Yang Yang. Gradient-band-gap Strategyfor Efficient Solid-state PbS Quantum-dot Sensitized Solar Cells,Nanoscale,2019, 11, 8402-8407.

5.Zhengguo Zhang, ChengwuShi*,Kai Lv, Chengfeng Ma, Guannan Xiao, Lingling Ni. 200-nm Long TiO2Nanorod Arrays for Efficient Solid-state PbS Quantum Dot-sensitizedSolar Cells, Journalof Energy Chemistry,2018, 27, 1214-1218.

6.Zhengguo Zhang, ChengwuShi*,Junjun Chen, Guannan Xiao, Long Li. Combination of Short-length TiO2Nanorod Arrays and Compact PbS Quantum-dot Thin Films for EfficientSolid-state Quantum-dot-sensitized  Solar Cells, AppliedSurface Science,2017, 410, 8-13.

7.Chao Ying, ChengwuShi*,Ni Wu, Jincheng Zhang, Mao Wang. A Two-layer Structured PbI2Thin Film for Efficient Planar Perovskite Solar Cells, Nanoscale,2015, 7, 12092-12095.

8.Yanru Zhang, ChengwuShi*,Xiaoyan Dai, Feng Liu, Xiaqin Fang, Jun Zhu. Pyrolysis Preparation ofCu2ZnSnS4Thin Film and its Application to Counter Electrode in QuantumDot-sensitized Solar Cells, ElectrochimicaActa,2014, 118, 41-44.

9.Mei Xia, ChengwuShi*,Renjie Sun, Molang Cai, Zhaokun Liu. Solvent-free Synthesis ofAlkylbenzimidazolium iodides and Their Applications in Dye-sensitizedSolar Cells, SolarEnergy,2010, 84, 1828-1832.

10.ChengwuShi,Songyuan Dai*, Kongjia Wang, Xu Pan, Linhua Hu, Fantai Kong, et al.Influence of 1-Methyl-3-propyl-imidazolium Iodide on I3-/I-Redox Behavior and Photovoltaic Performance of Dye-sensitized SolarCells, SolarEnergy Materials and Solar Cells,2005, 86, 527-535.
