Yanqing Wang


FacultyName:Yanqing Wang



Office:214, Chemical Building




  • B.S.,Applied Chemistry, HefeiUniversity of Technology,2004-2008

  • M.S.,Polymer Chemistry and Physics, Universityof Science and Technology of China,2009-2011 (Successive M.S. & Ph.D. study)

  • Ph.D.,Nuclear Science and Technology, Universityof Science and Technology of China,2011-2014

  • VisitingScholar, School of Chemical Engineering, TheUniversity of Queensland, Australia,2018-2019


Assoc.Prof. Yanqing Wang joined the School of Chemistry and ChemicalEngineering, Hefei University of Technology in 2014. He received hisB.E. in Applied Chemistry from Hefei University of Technology in 2008and Ph.D. in Nuclear Science and Technology from University ofScience and Technology of China in 2014. Visiting Scholar of ChinaScholarship Council (CSC) at the School of Chemical Engineering,University of Queensland in Prof. Lianzhou Wang’s group in 2019.


Assoc.Prof. Yanqing Wang is currently a staff at the School of Chemistryand Chemical Engineering, HFUT. His research interests includeantimony chalcogenides solar cells, perovskite solar cells andfunctional polymers for optoelectronic device applications,especially the synthesis and application of organic/polymeric holetransporting materials and interfacial engineering materials forsolar cells. He has published/co-published more than 20 journalpapers, has been granted 4 national invention patents in China.

Keywords:antimony chalcogenides solar cells; perovskite solar cells;functional polymers for optoelectronic devices


PolymerChemistry, Polymer Physics, Fine and Functional Polymers, GeneralChemistry

SelectedFunded Projects:

  • Synthesisof thermal stable hole-transporting materials and application inperovskite solar cells, Grant No. PA2019ZKSK0138, Open Foundation ofCAS Key Laboratory, 2019-2021

  • Preparationof hole-transporting materials with triazole/tetrazole as core andcathode buffer layer mimic the structure of PEIE and the performanceof perovskite solar cells, Grant No. 51602089, Young Scientists Fundof the National Natural Science Foundation of China, 2017-2019

  • Synthesisof 1,2,4,5-tetrabromobenzene-based hole-transporting materials andthe performance of perovskite solar cells, Grant No. JZ2017HGTB0230,Fundamental Research Funds for the Central Universities, 2017-2018

SelectedAwards and Honors:

TheSecond Prize of Excellent Achievements in Education and Training ofChina Education Association of Chemical Industry, 2022.

The“Gardener Award” to a teacher, which was founded by Xuan LiquorCompany, in Hefei University of Technology, 2016.


[1]Wenfei Wu; YanqingWang*;Zhaozhao Wang; Mengzhu Li; Zijie Peng; Yu Wu; Chengwu Shi; Abithiophene-cored interfacial passivating layer for Sb2S3solar cells with 7.1% efficiency, OpticalMaterials, 2023,140,113881.

[2]Yu Wu; Yanqing Wang*; Mengzhu Li; Zhaozhao Wang; Wenfei Wu; HuifangSong; Qingsha Liu; Chengwu Shi; Modifying SnO2with ammonium polyacrylate to enhance the performance of perovskitesolar cells, NewJournal of Chemistry,2023,47,6789-6795.

[3]Yan Chen; Wang,Yanqing*;Di Wu; Wenfei Wu; Yu Wu; Sicheng Li; Chunlan Qin; Hongyu Lin; HuachenShen; Chengwu Shi; Fluorene-terminated Hole Transporting Materialswith Spiro[fluorene-9,9’-xanthene] Core for Perovskite Solar Cells,NewJournal of Chemistry,2021,45, 5497-5502.

[4]Cui, Zhendong; Wang,Yanqing*;Chen, Yan; Chen, Xingze; Deng, Xinlian; Chen, Wangchao; Shi, Chengwu;Soluble tetra-methoxyltriphenylamine substituted zinc phthalocyanineas dopant-free hole transporting materials for perovskite solarcells, OrganicElectronics,2019,69,248-254.

[5]Deng, Xinlian; Wang, Yanqing*;Chen, Yan; Cui, Zhendong; Shi, Chengwu; Yttrium-doped TiO2compact layers for efficient perovskite solar cells, Journalof Solid State Chemistry,2019,275, 206-209.

[6]Wang, Yanqing*; Chen,Xingze; Shao, Junjie; Pang, Shihao; Xing, Xinlai; Dong, Ziyu; Liu,Shuang; Cui, Zhendong; Deng, Xinlian; Shi, Chengwu; Influence ofdimethoxytriphenylamine groups on carbazole-based hole transportingmaterials for perovskite solar cells, SolarEnergy,2019,190,361-366.

[7]Deng, Xinlian; Wang, Yanqing*;Cui, Zhendong; Li, Long; Shi, Chengwu*; Y-doping TiO2nanorod arrays for efficient perovskite solar cells, Superlatticesand Microstructures,2018,117, 283-287.

[8]Long Li; YanqingWang*; XinlianDeng; Linhui Nie; Zhendong Cui; Chengwu Shi; Br-DopingCH3NH3PbI3-xBrxThin Films for Efficient TiO2Nanorod Array Perovskite Solar Cells, Journalof Nanoscience and Nanotechnology,2018,18,5095-5100.

[9]WANGYan-Qing*;LI Long; NIE Lin-Hui; LI Nan-Nan; SHI Cheng-Wu; Organic-InorganicHybrid Perovskite Solar Cells Processed with Br or Cl doping via aTwo-Step Deposition, ActaPhysico-Chimica Sinica,2016,32,2724-2730.
