Tongqi Ye


FacultyName:Tongqi Ye

Title:Associate Professor


Office:312, Chemical Engineering Building



B.S.,Applied Chemistry, WuhanUniversity,1998-2002

M.S.,Physical Chemistry, Universityof Science and Technology of China,2005-2008

Ph.D.,Physical Chemistry, Universityof Science and Technology of China,2008-2011

VisitingScholar, Industrial Catalysis, CardiffUniversity,2018-2019


TongqiYe received a Bachelor of Science from Wuhan University, China in2002, and a PhD from University of Science and Technology of China in2011. He was a visiting scholar in Cardiff Catalysis Institute,Cardiff University from 2018-2019, and his cooperation supervisor wasProfessor Graham. J. Hutchings. He has worked as a R&D engineerin Shanghai Petrochemical (Sinopec) and Suzhou Hanhai Polymer Co.,LTD for 5 years. He moved to the Department of Chemical and FoodProcessing at Hefei University of Technology in 2013 and served asLaboratory Director. His research word is mainly focused onheterogeneous catalysis in conversion of biomass-based chemicals. Hehas been engaged in this research area for more than 10 years,participated in the "863" and "973" researchprojects, and undertook projects of the National Natural ScienceFoundation and the Natural Science Foundation of Anhui Province. Hehas published more than 20 papers and applied for nearly 10 patents.


TongqiYe’s research interests mainly focus on the application of copperbased heterogeneous catalysts in the aldehyde-water conversionreaction, and explain the key factors affecting the catalystactivity; The substrate adaptability of aldehyde-water conversionreaction in biomass-based chemicals were investigated. He alsostudied the catalytic conversion of 5-hydroxymethylfurfural (HMF) tofuran diformaldehyde (DFF) on Cu based catalysts and 5-methylfurfural(5-MF) on Fe based catalysts, the reaction mechanisms were deducedand DFT theoretical calculations were also performed.







TongqiYe has taught undergraduate classes in physical chemistry andindustrial catalysis.


SelectedFunded Projects:

[1]Preparation of bifunctional bimetallic oxycarbide catalyst andcatalytic hydrogenolysis of glycerol, 21406045, National NaturalScience Foundation of China, 2015.01-2017.12

[2]Preparation of carbon oxide catalyst and synthesis of 1, 3-propyleneglycol by hydrogenolysis of glycerol, 1508085QB46, Natural ScienceFoundation of Anhui Province, 2015.07-2017.06

[3]High efficiency platinum-based nano catalyst for propanedehydrogenation, 2021043, Hefei Municipal Natural Science Foundation,2021.07-2023.06

[4]Study on catalytic oxidation of hydroxyl groups of biomass-basedcompounds, JZ2017HGTB0231, Fundamental Research Funds for the CentralUniversities, 2017.03-2018.12

SelectedAwards and Honors:


[1]Xin Li#,Peng Rui#,TongqiYe*,Xin Yao, Rulong Zhou, Dongdong Li, et al. Hydrogenolysis of5-hydroxymethylfurfural by in situ produced hydrogen from water on aniron catalyst, Catal.Sci. Technol.,2023, 13, 3366.

[2]Xin Li, Peng Rui, Wenfei Huang, Xin Yao, Yuewen Ye, TongqiYe*,et al. Propane Dehydrogenation Using Platinum Supported onGallium Doped Silica,Catalysis Letters,2023.

[3]Bao Chen, Xin Li, Peng Rui, Yuewen Ye, TongqiYe*,Rulong Zhou, et al. The reaction pathways of 5-hydroxymethylfurfuralconversion in a continuous flow reactor using copper catalysts,Catal.Sci. Technol.,2022, 12, 3016.

[4]TongqiYe*,James H. Carter*, Bao Chen, Xin Li, Yuewen Ye, Stuart H. Taylor, etal. Iron chromium mixed metal oxides catalyse the oxidativedehydrogenation of propane using carbon dioxide,Catal. Commun.,2022, 162, 106383.

[5]TongqiYe*,Yue Ai, Bao Chen, Yuewen Ye, Jia Sun, Ling Qin, et al. Enhancement ofaldehyde-water shift reaction over CuZnAl catalyst by Mn promoter,Catal.Commun.,2021, 149, 106262.

[6]Yuewen Ye, Bao Chen, Xin Li, Yue Ai, Jia Sun, et al., TongqiYe*,Oxidation of Bio-Aldehyde and Bio-Alcohol to Carboxylic Acid by Waterover Modified CuZnAl Catalysts,ChemistrySelect,2021, 6, 1976-1983.

[7]Ling Qin*, Qing Hu, Ying-Pei Zou, Wen-Ping Fu, Tong-QiYe,Ming-Dao Zhang. Two Co(II)/Ni(II) isostructural Metal-OrganicFrameworks with bnn topology for photocatalysis and electrocatalysis,Micro.& Meso. Mater.,2021, 312, 110813.

[8]Ling Qin*, Qi-Ming Zheng, Qing Hu, Yue Dou, Gang Ni, Tong-QiYe,et al. Selectively sensing and dye adsorption properties of oneZn(II) architecture based on a rigid biphenyltetracarboxylate ligand,J.Solid State Chem.,2020, 284, 121216.

[9]YeTong Qi*,Chen Hong Zhe, Xiang Ning. Effect of Silica Particle Size on Texture,Structure, and Catalytic Performance of Cu/SiO2Catalysts for Glycerol Hydrogenolysis, Russ.J. Phys. Chem.,2018, 92(3), 447-453.

[10]Ning Xiang, Peng Xu, Nianbo Ran, TongqiYe*.Production of acetic acid from ethanol over CuCr catalysts viadehydrogenation-(aldehyde–water shift) reaction, RSCAdvances,2017, 7, 38586-38593.
