Hongyang Zhou


FacultyName: Hongyang Zhou


Office:312, Chemical engineering building



B.S.,Chemistry, Anhui Normal University,1999-2003

Ph.D.,Chemistry, University of Science and Technology of China,2003-2008

Postdoc,Material Science and Engineering, HeFeiUniversity of Technology, 2010-2013


HongyangZhoureceivedhis PhD inInorganicChemistry in2010from the University of Science and Technology of Chinaunder the supervision of Professor Yi-tai Qian.Then hejoined the faculty at the School ofChemistry and Chemical Engineering,Hefei University of Technology. From2010 to 2013, he was a postdoctoral researcher in the School ofMaterial Science and Engineeringof HeFei University of Technology, under the direction of professorsYang Jiang. Hisinterests focusonthe synthesis and characterization ofnanomaterial, and the photocatalysis.


HongyangZhou’s research focuses on the study of synthesis and properties ofnanomaterial.Degradation performance of nanomaterialson dye molecules are observed. FeWO4photocatalysis is synthesized, and corresponding work are published.


Inorganicchemistry, analytical chemistry.

SelectedFunded Projects:

SelectedAwards and Honors:


[1]Du Quan-ling, Hou Hao, Ye Tong-qi, Zhou Hong-yang*.“Effects of Annealing on Photocatalytic Properties of FeWO4Microcrystals via Solution-Based Method.”[J] Chinese Journalof Inorganic Chemistry, 2018, 34(7):1373-1380.

[2]Hou Hao, Dai Wen, Sun Hong-yang, Zhao Wen-jie, Lin Zheng-de,Zhou Hong-yang*.“Transparent Conductive Film Fabricated with Graphene from FastElectrochemical Exfoliation of Natural Vein Graphite.” [J]Surface technology, 2018, 47(9): 49-56.

[3]Zhou Hong-yang*, Du Quan-ling, Ye Tong-qi, Ye Yue-wen

ahydrothermal synthesis method of Bi7.89W0.11O12.16photocatalytic nanomaterial.” [J] 108479758A

[4]Zhou Hong-yang*, Xiong Sheng-lin, Wei Ling-zhi, Xi Bao-juan,Zhu Yong-chun, Yi-tai Qian, “Acetylacetone-Directed ControllableSynthesis of Bi2S3 Nanostructures with TunableMorphology”, Crystal Growth & Design, 2009, 9,3862-3867

[5]Zhou Hong-yang*,Zhu Yong-chun,Yi-tai Qian,“The Synthesis and Electrochemical Propertiesof Single-crystallineCoV2O6·2H2O”,Chinese Journal of Inorganic Chemistry,27(7): 1393-1398.

[6]Feng Ya-ting, Dai Jia-xue, Wang Chu-yun, Zhou Hong-yang,Li Jian-hua, Ni Gang, Zhang Mao-feng, Huang You-ju, “AgNanoparticle/Au@Ag Nanorod Sandwich Structures for SERS-BasedDetection of Perfluoroalkyl Substances”, Acs Applied nanoMaterials, 6(15): 13974-13983.
