Jian-Bo He


FacultyName:Jian-Bo He


Position:Director of the Anhui Provincial Key Laboratory for GreenManufacturing of Power Batteries

Office:Room 318, Shenghua Building




B.S.,Chemistry, AnhuiNormal University,1981-1985

M.S.,Applied Chemistry, HefeiUniversity of Technology,1987-1990

Ph.D.,Analytical Chemistry, Universityof Science and Technology of China,2002-2007


Jian-BoHe began his career at Hefei University of Technology in 1985. Overthe years, he has held various positions, including teachingassistant (1985-1991), lecturer (July 1991), associate professor(Dec. 1997), and professor (Dec. 2000). He has also taken onadministrative roles such as being the head of the Department ofApplied Chemistry (2001-2003), deputy dean of the School of ChemicalEngineering (Aug. 2003-Dec. 2007), director of the Hefei Universityof Technology Library (Apr. 2011-Dec. 2012), and executive dean ofthe School of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering (Dec. 2012-June2020).

Inaddition to his academic and administrative roles, he has beenactively involved in professional organizations. He has served as amember of the 29th and 30th Council of the Chinese Chemical Society(CCS) (2015-2022) and a member of the 40th Council of the ChemicalIndustry and Engineering Society of China (CIESC) (2017-2022). Healso held positions as the vice chairman of the 8th Council of theAnhui Province Chemical Industry and Engineering Society (AHCIES)(Nov. 2015 - Nov. 2022) and vice chairman of the 5th Council of theHefei Chemical Engineering Society (Apr. 2014 - 2023). He iscurrently a senior member of the CCS and a member of the ExpertCommittee on Chemical New Materials of the CIESC. Additionally,starting from Nov. 2022, he holds the position of Chairman of thefirst Supervisory Board of the AHCIES. Since 2019, he has beenserving as the director of the Anhui Province Key Laboratory of GreenManufacturing of Power Batteries.


Jian-BoHe’s research interests primarily focus on MaterialElectrochemistry and Energy Electrochemical Engineering. Hisextensive work covers several distinct yet interrelated aspects:

  • BipolarElectrochemistry: He is particularly intrigued by the production ofhydrogen through water electrolysis using a bipolar electrode as theseparator. Additionally, his work encompasses the study andpreparation of gradient alloy electroplating and gradient wettingsurfaces.

  • Electrocatalysisand Energy Electrochemistry: Jian-Bo He further delves into thefield of electrocatalysis and energy electrochemistry. His researchincludes in-situ electro-deposition of electrocatalysts, catalytichydrogen and oxygen evolution, methanol electro-oxidation,lithium-sulfur batteries, and power batteries. His work aims at notonly understanding the underlying principles but also at enhancingthe efficiency and stability of these systems.

  • ElectrochemicalMicroreactors and Test Methods: He also investigates in-situspectroelectrochemistry and online capillary electrophoresiselectrochemistry. His work in this area is aimed at developing newmethods and improving existing ones for the analysis andunderstanding of electrochemical processes on a microscale.

Keywords:Energy Electrochemical Engineering; Material Electrochemistry;Electrocatalysis; Hydrogen Energy; Electrode Reaction Kinetics


Jian-BoHe has taught undergraduate classes in Physical Chemistry, Principlesand Testing Techniques of Electrochemistry. He has also taughtgraduate classes in Electrochemical Research Methods, ElectrochemicalMaterials and Devices.

SelectedFunded Projects:

[1]“Developmentof Nickel-based Bipolar Electrode Separator for Electrolytic HydrogenProduction”, Grant No. W2022JSKF0592, a collaborative projectcommissioned by the Energy Research Institute of the HefeiComprehensive National Science Center, 2022-2023.

[2]“Developmentof a New Type of Electrolyzer for Hydrogen Production”, Grant No.W2021JSKF0873, a collaborative project commissioned by the EnergyResearch Institute of the Hefei Comprehensive National ScienceCenter, 2021-2022.

[3]“Studyon the Mechanism of Tin Additives in the Anode of Power Batteries”,Grant No. W2021JSFW0218, a collaborative project commissioned byTianneng Battery Group (Anhui), 2021-2023.

[4]“Constructionof Microfluidic Bipolar Electrochemical Reactors for SpatiallySeparated Electrodeposition”, Grant No. 21576063,sponsored byNational natural science foundation of China, 2016-2019.

[5]“Preparationand Performance of Polymer-Based Composite Membranes Based onMicrofluidic Thin-Layer Electrochemical Cells”, Grant No.20130111110025, sponsored by the Special Funds for the DoctoralProgram of Higher Education, 2014-2016.

[6]“Researchon Chip-type Thin-Layer Spectroelectrochemical Cell‒CapillaryElectrophoresis Coupling Technology for Analyzing OrganicElectrochemical Kinetics”, Grant No. 20972038, sponsored by theNational Natural Science Foundation of China, 2010-2012.

[7]“Studyon complex electrochemical reaction kinetics by derivative cyclicvoltabsorptometry in thin layer electrochemical cell”, Grant No.20776033, sponsored by the National Natural Science Foundation ofChina, 2008-2010.

SelectedAwards and Honors:

[1]“Nationaloutstanding teacher in petroleum and chemical engineering education”,2019.

[2]“Studyand Industrialization of Graphene/Lead Sulfate Composite Materialsused in Lead-acid storage batteries”, Second Prize of AnhuiProvince Science and Technology Awards, 2018.

[3]“Researchand Industrialization of Key Technologies for High-performanceCircuit Boards and New Environment-friendly Copper Foils for LithiumBatteries” First Prize of Anhui Province Science and TechnologyAwards, 2014.

[4]“Reformof practical teaching for comprehensively enhancing the innovativethinking and comprehensive abilities of students majoring in appliedchemistry”, First Prize of Anhui Provincial Teaching AchievementAward, 2008.

[5]“Reformand Practice of Higher Chemistry Course Teaching Based on Network andMultimedia Technologies”, Special Prize of Anhui ProvincialTeaching Achievement Award, 2005.


[1]Meng-JieZhao, Qian He, Ting Xiang, Hua-Qin Ya, Hao Luo, Shanhong Wan, JunDing*, Jian-Bo He*. Automatic operation of decoupled waterelectrolysis based on bipolar electrode, RenewableEnergy,2023, 203, 583-591.

[2]Meng-JieZhao, Er-Mei Li, Ning Deng, Yingjie Hu*, Chao-Xiong Li, Bing Li, FangLi, Zhen-Guo Guo, Jian-Bo He*. Indirect electrodeposition of aNiMo@Ni(OH)2MoOxcomposite catalyst for superior hydrogen production in acidic andalkaline electrolytes, RenewableEnergy,2022, 191, 370-379.

[3]Sheng-YingSu, Er-Mei Li, Chao-Xiong Li, Bing Li, Fang Li, Jian-Bo He*.Self-Motion of Water Droplets along a Spacing Gradient of MicropillarArrays on Copper, Langmuir,2022, 38(13), 4111-4120.

[4]JingLi, Zhi-Yang Wang, Ning Deng, Chao-Xiong Li, Zhen-Guo Guo, Jian-BoHe*. In situ formation of a nickel-iron-sulfur bifunctional catalystwithin a porous polythiophene coating for water electrolysis,InternationalJournalofHydrogen Energy,2022, 47, 17630-17639.

[5]Meng-JieZhao, Sheng-Ying Su, Ning Deng, Jun-Qing Shi, Fang Li, Jian-Bo He*.The Central Role of Nitrogen atoms in a Zeolitic ImidazolateFramework-Derived Catalyst for Cathodic Hydrogen Evolution,ChemSusChem,2021, 14(18), 3926-3934.

[6]Xiao-FanYang, Jing Li, Xin-Ming Yang, Chao-Xiong Li, Fang Li, Bing Li,Jian-Bo He*. High-performance bifunctional Ni-Fe-S catalyst in situsynthesized within graphite intergranular nanopores for overall watersplitting, ChemSusChem,2021, 14(15), 3131-3138.

[7]Xiao-FanYang, Jing Li, Fang Li, Chao-Xiong Li, Mao-Feng Zhang, Bing Li,Jian-Bo He*. Graphite defect network constitutes a robust andpolishable matrix: Ultralow catalyst loading and excellentelectrocatalytic performance, ElectrochimicaActa,2020, 348, 136333.

[8]YanWu, Meng-Jie Zhao, Fang Li, Jianhui Xie, Yulin Li, Jian-Bo He*. TraceFe incorporation into Ni-(oxy)hydroxide stabilizes Ni3+sites for anodic oxygen evolution: A double thin-layer study,Langmuir,2020, 36(19), 5126-5133.

[9]HanWang, Yan Wu, Ning Deng, Bing Li, Fang Li, Jian-Bo He*. Developmentof a bipolar electrochemical flow microreactor for recovery ofvaluable metals from mixed solutions, ChemicalEngineeringJournal,2020, 382, 121907.

[10]Jia-MingYe, Ding-Hong He, Fang Li, Yu-Lin Li, Jian-Bo He*. Roles of solublespecies in the alkaline oxygen evolution reaction on a nickel anode,ChemicalCommunications,2018, 54(72), 10116-10119.
