Yunfei Luo


FacultyName:Yunfei Luo


Office:637, Shenghua Building


B.S.,Applied Chemistry, FudanUniversity,1994-1998

M.S.,Physical Chemistry, FudanUniversity,1998-2001

Ph.D.,Organic Chemistry, Universityof Liverpool,2006-2010

Postdoc,Organic Chemistry, Universityof Edinburgh,2011-2013

Postdoc,Organic Chemistry, Universityof Nottingham,2013-2016


Yunfeiwas born and raised in Ninglang County, and later completed his highschool in Lijiang City, both of which are scenic towns in China. Heearned his B.S. and M.S. degrees from Fudan University in 1998 and2001, respectively, in Shanghai, China. Following that, he took aresearch assistant position at the Shanghai Institute of OrganicChemistry, Chinese Academy of Sciences, from 2001 to 2004.

In2006, he embarked on his Ph.D. studies at the University ofLiverpool, sponsored by the Dorothy Hodgkin Postgraduate Award. Priorto this, he had worked in the industry for two years. During hisdoctoral studies, he was under the supervision of Dr. Andrew Carnelland Prof. Jianliang Xiao. He successfully completed his Ph.D. in 2011at the University of Liverpool and was awarded the Chinese GovernmentAward for Outstanding Self-Financed Students Abroad by the ChineseScholarship Council in recognition of his achievements during hisPh.D. program.

Subsequently,he worked as a postdoctoral researcher in Prof. Hon Wai Lam's groupat the University of Edinburgh from 2011 to 2013, and later at theUniversity of Nottingham from 2013 to 2016, before establishing hisindependent research career at the School of Chemistry and ChemicalEngineering, Hefei University of Technology in Hefei, China.


Yunfei'sresearch interests encompass the development of new reactions withpractical applications and the investigation of reaction mechanisms.His primary research area is transition metal catalysis, with aparticular focus on exploring rhodium-catalyzed [3+2] annulationreactions, with the goal of extending the applicability of thisreaction from specific cases to more general scenarios. He is alsointerested in probing the fundamental aspects of reaction mechanisms,including reaction kinetics and elementary reactions, to gain abetter understanding of the correlation between catalysts andreaction activity, ultimately applied to practical synthesis.



SelectedAwards and Honors:

2006Dorothy Hodgkin Postgraduate Award

2010Chinese Government Award for Outstanding Self-Financed StudentsAbroad

2017Anhui Provincial Recruitment Program of High-Level Overseas Talents



(1)Xu Zhao; Chenrui Fan; Jianbo He; Yunfei Luo ; Rh-Catalyzed [3+2]Annulation of Cyclic Ketimines and Alkynyl Chloride: A Strategy forAccessing Unsymmetrically Substituted and Highly FunctionalizableIndenes, OrganicLetters,2022, 24(50): 9169-9173.

(2)Yong Fang; Xiaoling Hu; Zhuangzhuang Shi; Xu Zhao; Raveendra ReddyGopireddy; Yunfei Luo; Iron-Catalyzed Stereoselective Allylborationof 3,4-Dihydroisoquinolines with Potassium Allyltrifluoroborates,Synthesis,2021, 53(19): 3564-3572 (Invited feature article)

(3)Yan Shi; Yong Fang; Xu Zhao; Chengfeng Zhu; Xiang Wu; Xiaoming Yang;Yunfei Luo ; Remarkable Ligand Effect on Rh-Catalyzed C–H-Active [3+ 2] Annulation of Ketimines and Alkynes, OrganicLetters,2020, 22(12): 4903-4907

(4)Chenrui Fan; Qixu Wu; Chengfeng Zhu; Xiang Wu; Yougui Li; Yunfei Luo;Jian-Bo He ; Enantioselective Conjugate Addition of Aryl Halides andTriflates to Electron-Deficient Olefins viaNickel- and Rhodium-Catalyzed Sequential Relay Reactions, OrganicLetters,2019, 21(22): 8888-8892 (Cover article)

(5)Zhu Chengfeng; Luan Jichao; Fang Jun; Zhao Xu; Wu Xiang; Li Yougui;Luo Yunfei ; A Rhodium-Catalyzed [3+2] Annulation of General AromaticAldimines/Ketimines and N-Substituted Maleimides, OrganicLetters,2018, 20(18): 5960-5963


1  Luo, Y.; Roy, D. I.; Madec, A. G. E.; Lam, H. W.* Angew.Chem., Int. Ed.,2014, 53, 4186-4190 (highlighted by SYNFACTS: 2014, (7), 0724).

2  Luo, Y.; Hepburn, H. B.; Chotsaeng, N.; Lam, H. W.* Angew.Chem., Int.Ed.,2012, 51, 8309-8313(highlighted by SYNFACTS: 2012, (11), 1210).

3Luo,Y.; Carnell, A. J.; Lam, H. W.* Angew.Chem., Int. Ed.,2012, 51, 6762-6766 (highlighted by SYNFACTS: 2012, (10), 1133).

4Luo,Y.; Berry, N. G.; Carnell, A. J.* Chem.Commun.,2012, 48, 3279-3281(Cover article).

5Luo,Y.; Carnell, A. J.* Angew.Chem. Int. Ed.,2010, 49, 2750-2754;( highlighted by SYNFACTS: 2010,0796).
