Mei Luo



FacultyName:Mei Luo


Office:713,Shenghua Building



Visiting scholar, Theuniversity of north carolina at chapel hill, advisor, K.H.Lee2017.11-2019.12

Postdoctoral Associate,University of utah, advisor: Peter J. Stang   2014.3-2015.3.

Postdoctoral Associate,Peking university, Beijing              2003.3-2005.4.

Ph.D.,Chemistry,Universityof Science and Technology of China 1999-2003.

M.S.,Chemical EngineeringHefeiUniversity of Technologyt,1996-1999.


Mei Luo was born in 1969 in Bozhou, AnhuiProvince, P.R.China. In 2002, she received

the M.S. degrees in Chemistry from HefeiUniversity of Technology and obtained a Ph.D.

from the University of Science and Technology ofChina. She then studied as a

Postdoctoral Fellow at Beijing University. In 2014and 2017, she was a visiting scholar at

the University of Utah and the UNC, respectively.Currently, Mei Luo works as an

Associate Professor at Hefei University ofTechnology. Prof. Mei Luo is also awarded with

over 200 patents since 2006 for her innovativeresearch work in organic and

organometallic chemistry.


Synthesisof Chiral Organometallic Complexes



Orgaicchemistry, Organic structure analysis


  1. MeiLuo, Jing-Cheng Zhang, Hao Yin, Cheng-Ming Wang, Lan Xie, Kang-PoLi, Masuo Goto,Susan L. Morris-Natschke, Kuo-Hsiung Lee, Jia-HaiZhang,Yan-MinZhang,Xue-Ru Zhang, J. Inorg. Biochem. 2023, 239, 1120248.

  2. Q.Umar, Y. Huang,A. Nazeer, H. Yin,J. C. Zhang,M. Luo, and X. G. Meng,RSC Advances, 2022, RSC Adv., 2022,12,32119-32128

  3. Q.Umar, H. Yin and M. LuoAnnalsof Clinical and Medical Case Reports2022,10,1-10.

  4. MeiLuo, Ben Huang , Zhi-jie Xu , Shou-nian Liu , Zi-xuan Zhu ,Jing-cheng Zhang , Xiang-gao Meng, Structural investigation,Hirshfeld surface analysis and quantum mechanical study of twodicyanopyridine derivatives, Journal of Molecular Structure, 1228(2021) 129748.

  5. MeiLuo, Hong-Mei Li, One-potsynthesis and biological and catalytic applications oforganometallic complexes involving oxazolines and(R)/(S)?a?phenylethylamine. Journal of the Iranian ChemistrySociety, 2019, published on web; DOI: 10.1007/s13738-019-01830-z.

  6. Mei.LuoJingCheng, Zhang, Hao, Yin, Cheng Ming, Wang, Susan,Morris-NatschkeKuo-HsiungLeeOne-steptemplated synthesis of chiral organometallic salicyloxazolinecomplexes, BMC Chemistry201913:51.

7.MeiLuoGuoChen Chen, Syntheses and crystal structure of copper (II) and cobalt(II) complexes containing N-heterocyclic compounds, Journal of theIranian Chemistry Society, 2018, 15(2), 415-420.

8.MeiLuo, Jing Cheng Zhang, Wen Min Pang, and King Kuok Hii. One-stepmulticomponent synthesis of chiral oxazolinyl-zinc complexes,Chemistry Central Journal, 2017, 11: 81-89.
