Yonghong Song


FacultyName:Yonghong Song



Office:307, Shenghua Building




B.S.,Food Science and Engineering, HefeiUniversity of Technology,2011-2015

Ph.D.,Materials Science, HefeiUniversity of Technology,2015-2020

Postdoc,Materials Science, Universityof Science and Technology of China,2020-2022


Wemainly engaged in material chemistry and application of magneticassemblies. By magnetic assembling, we aim to enhance theresponsiveness and magnetothermal properties of magnetic materials tomagnetic fields, expand the structural functions of magnetic andfunctional assembly elements, and explore their applications infields such as biomedicine, and environmental governance. Publishedas the first co-author in Natl. Sci. Rev., Adv. Mater., ACS Nano,Adv. Funct. Mater., Nano lett., Adv. Sci., Biomaterials, J.Nanobiotechnol., Small, Nanoscale, et al.


Magneticnanomaterials, magnetic biomimetic assembly, magnetothermal therapy


Inorganicand Analytical Chemistry


GrantNo. 22105195, National NaturalScienceFoundation of China, 2022-2024.

GrantNo. WK2060000033, Fundamental ResearchFundsfor the Central Universities, 2021-2022.

SelectedAwards and Honors:


[1]YonghongSong#,Lu-An Shi#,Hanye Xing, Liang Dong, Yang Lu*, and Shu-Hong Yu*, et al. Amagneto-heated ferrimagnetic sponge for continuous recovery ofviscous crude oil, AdvancedMaterials, 2021,2100074. (Inside Front Cover)

[2]YonghongSong#,Dongdong Li#,Yang Lu*, Xianzhu Yang*, and Shu-Hong Yu*, et al. FerrimagneticmPEG-b-PHEP copolymer micelles loaded with iron oxide nanocubes andemodin for enhanced magnetic hyperthermia-chemotherapy,National Science Review,2020, 7, 723-736.

[3]YueqiangZhu#,Yonghong Song#,Ziyang Cao, Yang Lu*, Xianzhu Yang*, and Jun Wang*,et al. Magnetically actuatedactive deep tumor penetration of deformable large nanocarriers forenhanced cancer therapy. AdvancedFunctionalMaterials,2021, 2103655.

[4]Liangjie Jin#,Dongmei Yang#,Yonghong Song#,Dongdong Li,* Yang Lu,* and Xianzhu Yang*, et al. In Situ Programmingof Nanovaccines for Lymph Node-Targeted Delivery and CancerImmunotherapy.ACSNano,2022,2022, 16, 9, 15226–15236.

[5]Xu Yan#,Tianci Sun#,Yonghong Song#,Tao He,* Baoqiang Cao*,and Yang Lu*, et al. In situThermal-Responsive Magnetic Hydrogel for Multidisciplinary Therapy ofHepatocellular Carcinoma, Nanoletters,2022,22, 2251.

[6]Yueqiang Zhu#,Yonghong Song#,Ziyang Cao,* Yang Lu,*andXianzhu Yang*, et al. A Magnetically Driven Amoeba-Like Nanorobot forWhole-Process Active DrugTransport, AdvancedScience,2023,2204793.

[7]Kun-Yu Qian#,Yonghong Song#,Xu Yan#,Liang Dong, Jingzhe Xue*, Yang Lu*, et al. Injectable ferrimagneticsilk fibroin hydrogel for magnetic hyperthermia ablation of deeptumor, Biomaterials,2020, 259, 120299.

[8]Sheng Chen#,Yonghong Song#,Xu Yan#,Liang Dong*, Zhengbao Zha* and Yang Lu*, et al. Injectable magneticmontmorillonitecolloidalgel for the postoperative treatmentof hepatocellular carcinoma.Journal of Nanobiotechnology,2022, 20, 381.

[9]Hanye Xing#,Yonghong Song#,Hao Xu, Bao Wang, Jingzhe Xue,* and Yang Lu*, et al. A Magneto-HeatedSilk Fibroin Scaffold for Anti-biofouling Solar-driven WaterEvaporation. Small,2023, 2206189.

[10]YonghongSong#, Yueqiang Zhu#, KunJiang#, Liang Dong,* Junxia Wang* and Yunjun Xu*, et al.Self-assembling Ferrimagnetic fluorescent micelles for bioimagingguided efficient magnetic hyperthermia therapy, Nanoscale,2022, 7, 867-875.
