Jingzhe Xue


FacultyName:Jingzhe Xue


Office:307, Shenghua Building




B.S.,Plant Protection, ChinaAgricultural University,2002-2006

M.S.,Plant Quarantine and Agricultural Ecological Health, ChinaAgricultural University,2006-2009

Ph.D.,Inorganic Chemistry, TongjiUniversity,2009-2014

Postdoc,Inorganic Chemistry, Universityof Science and Technology of China/ShenzhenUniversity,2016-2020


JingzheXue owns multidisciplinary background in both educational andresearch experiences. He obtained bachelor and master degrees inagronomy, studying the biological and chemical control of pest forplants. He received doctorate in chemistry, focused on studyingsynthesis and assembly of bioactivity inorganic nanomaterials. Afterthat, he worked in the industrial area of natural-derived adhesive,and became a postdoctoral researcher in USTC/SZU. At HFUT, JingzheXue is studying the synthesis of bioactive nanomaterials and theirbioinspired assemblies.


Theresearch area of our group is mainly in the synthesis and preparationof bioactive nanomaterials and their assemblies.

  • Biomaterials

  • Bioinspiredmaterials

  • Anti-biofoulingmaterial


Inorganicand analytical chemistry

SelectedFunded Projects:

GrantNo. 21701165, Young Scientists Fund of the National Natural ScienceFoundation of China

GrantNo.2017M612079,China Postdoctoral Science Foundation

GrantNo. 2208085MB22, Anhui Provincial Natural Science Foundation

SelectedAwards and Honors:

SilverAward (Supervising Teacher), China International College Students'“Internet+” Innovation and Entrepreneurship Competition, 2022

Thirdprize (Supervising Teacher), National University Student SocialPractice and Science Contest on Energy Saving&Emission Reduction,2022


  1. HanyeXing, Yonghong Song, Hao Xu, Sheng Chen, Kangkang Li, Liang Dong, etal. A Magneto-Heated Silk Fibroin Scaffold for Anti-Biofouling SolarSteam Generation, Small,2023, 18, 2206189

2.Kun-Yu Qian#, Yonghong Song#, Xu Yan#, Liang Dong, JingzheXue*,Yunjun Xu, et al. Injectable ferrimagnetic silk fibroin hydrogel formagnetic hyperthermia ablation of deep tumor. Biomaterials,2020, 259, 120299

3.Yan-Ming Zuo, Xu Yan, JingzheXue*,Lu-Yin Guo, Wei-Wei Fang, Tian-Ci Sun, et al. Enzyme-Responsive AgNanoparticle Assemblies in Targeting Antibacterial againstMethicillin-Resistant Staphylococcus Aureus, ACSApplied Materials & Interfaces,2020, 12, 4333-4342

4.JingzheXue,Huai-Ling Gao, Xiang-Ying Wang, Kun-Yu Qian, Yuan Yang, Tao He, etal. Bioinspired Unidirectional Silk Fibroin-Silver Compound NanowireComposite Scaffold via Interface-Mediated In Situ Synthesis,AngewandteChemie International Edition,2019, 58, 14152 –14156 (VIP paper, Back cover)

5.Li Zhang#, Peng-Fei Wei#, Yong-Hong Song, Liang Dong, Ya-Dong Wu,Zong-Yao Hao, et al. MnFe2O4nanoparticles accelerate the clearance of mutant huntingtinselectively through ubiquitin-proteasome system, Biomaterials,2019, 216:119248

6.Xiang-Ying Wang, JingzheXue,*Chunfeng Ma, Tao He, Haisheng Qian, Bao Wang, et al. Anti-biofoulingdouble-layered unidirectional scaffold for long-term solar-drivenwater evaporation, Journalof Materials Chemistry A,2019,7, 16696-16703 (Inside front cover)

7.Shuang Yan#, JingzheXue#,Qingsheng Wu*, Synchronous synthesis and sensing performance ofalpha-Fe2O3/SnO2nanofiber heterostructures for conductometric C2H5OHdetection, Sensorsand Actuators B: Chemical,2018, 275: 322–331
