Feng Zhang


FacultyName:Feng Zhang



Office:429, Shenghua Building




B.S.,Chemistry, Universityof Science and Technology of China,2004-2008;

Ph.D.,Applied Chemistry, Universityof Science and Technology of China,2009-2015;

JointPh.D., Environmental Sciences, CityUniversity of Hong Kong,2010-2015;

Postdoc,Environmental Engineering, Universityof Science and Technology of China,2015-2018;


FengZhang received his Bachelor's degree of Chemistry from the Universityof Science and Technology of China in 2008, and his Doctor's degreeof Applied Chemistry from the University of Science and Technology ofChina and joint Doctor's degree of Environmental Sciences from theCity University of Hong Kong in 2015. From June 2015 to March 2018,he worked as a postdoctoral researcher in Professor Han-Qing Yu'sgroup in the University of Science and Technology of China. SinceApril 2018, he has worked as the Associate Professor in the School ofChemistry and Chemical Engineering in Hefei University of Technology.His main innovative research results are as follows: 1) A fast,reliable, highly sensitive and simple fluorescence probe method todetect and quantify the extracellular electron transfer ability ofEAB for screening and identification of EAB from environmentalsamples; 2) The exclusive extracellular azo dye reduction ofGeobactersulfurreducenswas revealed for the first time, and the intracellular synthesis ofCdS triggered visible light photocatalytic reaction system wasconstructed to efficiently treat refractory pollutants; 3) Themechanism of rapid photocatalytic hydrogenation of nitroaromaticcompounds in the environment was probed, and stable and efficientheterogeneous catalysts were designed for advanced oxidationtechnology to degrade organic pollutants in wastewater. He has morethan 40 high-level publications, including 17 the first/correspondingauthored publications in high-level environment-related journals suchas EnvironmentalScience & Technology,AnalyticalChemistry,ACSApplied Materials & Interfaces,and 4 related invention patents.


1Urban sewagetreatment and recycling;

2.Fenton-like advanced oxidation processes;

3.Environmental applications of two-dimensional materials;

4.Photothermal conversion metamaterials.

Keywords:sewage regeneration; advanced oxidation process; membranedistillation; two-dimensional nanomaterials; photothermal conversion.


FengZhang has taught undergraduate classes in organic chemistry,professional English. He has also taught graduate classes inenvironmentallyfriendly chemical technology.

SelectedFunded Projects:

(1)The study on hyphenation of solar driven membrane distillation andperoxymonosulphate advanced oxidation process for sewagepurification,GrantNo. 52170031, National Natural Science Foundation of China,2022-01-01 to 2025-12-31;

(2)Dissimilatory metal-reducing bacteria coupled with visible-lightphotocatalytic for the degradation of pollutants, Grant No. 21707133,Young Scientists Fund of the National Natural Science Foundation ofChina, 2018-01-01 to 2020-12-31;

(3)Quantitative analysis of the interaction between dissimilatorymetal-reducing bacteria (DMRB) and solid electron acceptors, GrantNo. 2015M580554, China Postdoctoral Science Foundation, 2015-09-01 to2017-06-30.

SelectedAwards and Honors:



(1)FengZhang,Jing-Hang Wu, Han-Qing Yu*. Probing Microbial ExtracellularRespiration Ability Using Riboflavin, AnalyticalChemistry,2020, 92(15): 10606-10612.

(2)Yi-Nan Liu #, FengZhang #,Jie Li, Dao-Bo Li, Dong-Feng Liu*, Han-Qing Yu*, et al. ExclusiveExtracellular Bioreduction of Methyl Orange by Azo Reductase-FreeGeobactersulfurreducens,EnvironmentalScience & Technology,2017, 51(15): 8616-8623.

(3)Yin-Hua Cui#, Jing-Hang Wu#, Wei Wei, FengZhang*,Ling-Li Li, Han-Qing Yu*, et al. Intracellular Hybrid Biosystem in aProtozoan to Trigger Visible-Light-Driven Photocatalysis, ACSApplied Materials & Interfaces,2021, 13(17): 19846-19854.

(4)FengZhang*,Haining Yan, Yuan-Feng Jin, Lin-Feng Zhai, Min Sun*. Co-Fe Synergy inCoxFe1-xWO4:The New Type Peroxymonosulfate Activator for SulfamethoxazoleDegradation, ChemicalEngineering Journal,2023, 461: 141989.

(5)FengZhang#*,Li Yang#, Haining Yan, Beibei Tian, Xiaojiao Zhu. Black GraphiticCarbon Nitride Nanosheets with Mid-gap States Realizing HighlyEfficient Near-infrared Photo-thermal Conversion for PhotoacousticImaging, Journalof Materials Chemistry B,2022, 10(47): 9923-9930.

(6)Jing-Hang Wu, FengZhang*.Rapid Aerobic Visible-light-driven Photo-reduction of Nitrobenzene,Scienceof the Total Environment,2020, 710: 136322.

(7)Yi-Nan Liu, Yuan Min, Jie-Jie Chen, FengZhang*,Dong-Feng Liu, Han-Qing Yu*, et al. c-TypeCytochromes Facilitated Cd(II) Complexation by an ElectrochemicallyActive Bacterium ShewanellaoneidensisMR-1, ACSES&T Water,2022, 2(10): 1697-1706.

(8)Jing-Hang Wu, Tian Tian, Yan-Fang Guan, FengZhang*,Yu, Han-Qing*. Evaluating Effectiveness of Electron Shuttles inEnvironments with a WO3Nanoprobe, EnvironmentalScience: Nano,2022, 9(8): 2764-2772.

(9)Lin-Feng Zhai, Ming-Feng Duan, He-You Guo, FengZhang*,Min Sun*. Selective Cleavage of C-O Bond in Diaryl Ether Contaminantsvia Anodic Oxidation, ACSSustainable Chemistry &Engineering,2019, 7(22): 18414-18420.

(10)Zong-Chuang Yang#, Yuan-Yuan Cheng#, FengZhang*,Bing-Bing Li, Yang Mu, Han-Qing Yu*, et al. Rapid Detection andEnumeration of Exoelectrogenic Bacteria in Lake Sediments and aWastewater Treatment Plant Using a Coupled WO3Nanoclusters and Most Probable Number Method, EnvironmentalScience & Technology Letters,2016, 3(4): 133-137.
