Zhiwei Li


FacultyName:Zhiwei Li


Position:Assistant Professor

Office:601, Shenghua Building




B.S.,Chemical Engineering and Technology, QingdaoUniversity of Science & Technology,2008-2012

M.S.,Environmental Science and Engineering, QingdaoUniversity of Science & Technology,2012-2015

Ph.D.,Chemical Engineering, Universityof the Witwatersrand,2016-2020


ZhiweiLi received his B.S. and M.S. from Qingdao University of Science &Technology, and Ph.D. in Chemical Engineering from University of theWitwatersrand. He served as Researcher Assistant with Professor LeiShi at Tsinghua University from 2015 to 2016. Zhiwei joined HefeiUniversity of Technology in the summer of 2020 as an AssistantProfessor in the School of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering.


Hismain research interest is in chemical process integration. Based onprocess simulation and process integration technology, he conductedthe selection of cleaner production technology and integration ofchemical industries from a multi-dimensional perspective to achievelow-carbon and sustainable development. He also focused on resourceconservation and utilization for water, energy, chemicals inindustrial park.


ChemicalSafety and Environmental Technology

ChemicalEngineering Economics

ChemicalEngineering Simulation

SelectedFunded Projects:

GameTheory-based Industrial Park Emission Standards and Water NetworkOptimizationGrantNo.52100213, Young Scientists Fund of the National Natural ScienceFoundation of China, 2022.01-2024.12


Huang,T., Zhou, W., Zhang, Y., Jia, X., Zhang, D. and Li,Zhiwei*,2023. An insight-based approach for batch water network with flexibleproduction scheduling framework. Journalof Cleaner Production,385, 135664.

Zhao,S., Ren, T., Ma, L. and Li,Zhiwei*,2023. Multi-period Planning of Municipal Solid Waste Management: aCase Study in Qingdao. ProcessIntegration and Optimization for Sustainability,7, 107-126.

Chai,Y., Chen, X., Wang, Y., Guo, X., Zhang, R., Li,Zhiwei*,et al., 2023. Environmental and economic assessment of advancedoxidation for the treatment of unsymmetrical dimethylhydrazinewastewater from a life cycle perspective. Scienceof The Total Environment,873, 162264.

Li,Zhiwei,Huang, T., Lee, J.Y.*, Wang, T.H., Wang, S., Jia, X., et al., 2022.Crisp and fuzzy optimization models for sustainable municipal solidwaste management. Journalof Cleaner Production,370, 133536.

LIZhiwei,Jia XP, Jin HB, Ma L*, Xu CH, Wei HZ, 2021. Determining optimalmunicipal solid waste management scenario based on best-worst method.Journalof Environmental Engineering and Landscape Management,29(2):150-161.

WangF.#,LiZW#,Zhang Z, Wang F, Tan RR, Ren J, Jia X*.  Integrated graphicalapproach for selecting industrial water conservation projects.Journalof Cleaner Production,287, 125503.

LiZW,Majozi T.*2020, Synthesis of Flexible Batch Water Networks Using DynamicProgramming. Industrial& Engineering Chemistry Research.59(29):13175–13189.

LiZW,Majozi T.*2019, Optimal Design of Batch Water Network with a FlexibleScheduling Framework. Industrial& Engineering Chemistry Research.58(22): 9500-9511.

JiaXP., Zhang LX, LiZhiwei*,Dou JH, Tan RR, Foo, DCY. Wang F*. 2019, Pinch Analysis for TargetingDesalinated Water Price Subsidy, Journalof Cleaner Production.227: 950-959.

WangF, Wang SQ, Xin G., LiZhiwei*,Tan R R, Jia XP*. 2019, Integrated Sustainability Assessment of theChlor-alkali/PVC Production Chain. Journalof Cleaner Production.219: 894-905.
