Min Sun


FacultyName:Min Sun                              


Position:Director of Chemical Engineering and Technology Department

Office:323, Shenghua Building




B.S.,Pharmaceutical Engineering, HefeiUniversity,1999-2003

M.S.,Applied Chemistry, HefeiUniversity,2003-2006

Ph.D.,Applied Chemistry, Universityof Science and Technology of China,2006-2009

Postdoc,Environmental Engineering, Universityof Science and Technology of China,2010-2012


Theresearch interest of Prof. Sun is focused on the electro-activationof O2under room condition. A series of achievements have been acquired inthe exploitation of advanced electrochemical air oxidation technologyfor development of energy-efficient wastewater treatment and resourcerecovery from environmental pollutants. The idea by using electricfield to induce the activation of O2has been proposed and confirmed, and novel electrocatalytic wet airoxidation and electro-Fenton like technologies have been developedfor effective and energy-efficient treatment of environmentalpollutants; In-situ resource recovery from acid mine drainage hasbeen realized by taking advantage of air-cathode fuel cell technologyand theory basis of the technology has been established; Microbialfuel cell technology has been developed for enhanced degradation ofwater-soluble polymers. These works have been extensively introducedand recommended by famous researchers on top magazines in the fieldof environment, engineering and electrochemistry. Prof. Sun is leaderof 3 National Natural Science Fund Project, 1 NSFC-JSPS sub-projectand 1 National Key R&D Program project, and the winner of Programfor New Century Excellent Talents in University, Anhui ProvincialFunds for Distinguished Young youths. Prof. Sun has published morethan 60 papers and been authorized more than invention patents.Notably, Two reviewers have been published on ChemicalSociety Reviewsbackcover)和Progressin energy and Combustion Science.


  1. Advancedair oxidation

  • Deveopedelectrocatalyticwet air oxidation and electro-Fenton like technologies for effectiveand energy-efficient treatment of environmental pollutants.

  1. Air-cathodefuel cell

  • Realizedhydrogenproductionfromthe complete oxidation of organic matter using anMFC-MEC coupled system.

  • Developeda fuel cell-assisted iron redox process for simultaneous sulfurrecovery and electricity production from waste sulfide.

  • Developeda kinetic model that adequately described the electro-oxidationprocess of Fe(II) in air-cathode fuel cells in terms of Fe(II)speciation.  

  1. Researchand reuse of municipal sludge

  • Developedwastes-based chemical conditioning agents for the deep dewatering ofmunicipal sludge.

  • Fabricatedhigh-performance adsorbent from municipal sludge for microplasticsremoval.


ChemicalReaction Engineering:

Chemicalsafety and environmental protection technology

SelectedFunded Projects:

Electro-assistedcatalytic wet air oxidation on carbon-supported manganese oxides:inducing role of positive electric field in the catalysis andenhancement of the catalytic reaction, Grant No. 22076037, NationalNatural Science Foundation of China, 2021-2024

Integrateddisposal of multi-source sludge in typical cities of the YangtzeRiver Economic Zone, 2020YFC1908702, National Key R&D Plan,2021-2024

Advancedair oxidation technology, Grant No. 2208085J35, Anhui ProvincialFunds for Distinguished Young youths, 2022-2024

In-situfabrication of heterogeneous electro-Fenton catalyst from Fe(II) inacid mine drainage, Grant No. 51478157, National Natural ScienceFoundation of China, 2015-2018

Simultaneousrecovering sulfur and electricity from sulfide in afuel-cell-assisted iron redox system, Grant No.51008108, YoungScientists Fund of the National Natural Science Foundation of China,2011-2013

SelectedAwards and Honors:

NaturalScience Award of the Ministry of Education, First Prize, 4/5, 2022

RisingStar in Education of Anhui Province, 1/1, 2014

BPYoung Scientists & Students Awards, 2008


  1. SunMin;Wang Xian-Zhang; Xiong Ren-Ying; Chen Xiang; Zhai Lin-Feng*; WangShao*. High-performance biochar-loaded MgAl-layered double oxideadsorbents derived from sewage sludge towards nanoplastics removal:Mechanism elucidation and QSAR modeling. Scienceof the Total Environment2023, 901, 165971.

  2. SunMin;Hu Xin-Tian; Liu Hui-Hui; Yang Bao-Jun; Wang Chuanpin; ZhaiLin-Feng*; Wang Shaobin*. Bimetalheterointerfaces towards enhanced electro-activation of O2under room condition.Journal of Hazardous Materials2022, 424, 127271.

  3. ZhaiLin-Feng*; Chen Yue-Yue; Hu Yi; Pan Yi-Xiao; SunMin*;Yu Jun; Wang Yan; Kong Wei. MOF-derived MnO@C with high activity forelectric field-assisted catalytic oxidation of aqueous pollutants.Journalof Hazardous Materials2022, 439, 129670.

  4. SunMin;Hou Miao-Miao; Wang Xian-Zhang; Yang Bao-Jun; Zhai Lin-Feng*; WangShaobin*. Mechanismof electrocatalytic wet air oxidation of PPCPs over solid catalysts:kinetic insight with a universal model. Industrial& Engineering Chemistry Research2021,60, 16951-16960

  5. SunMin;Liu Hui-Hui; Tao Xiong-Fei; Zhai Lin-Feng*; Wang Shaobin*.Self-supporting MnOx nanoparticles on loofah-sponge-derived carbonfelt for electroassisted catalytic wet air oxidation of watercontaminants. ACSEST Engineering2021, 1(2): 173-182.

  6. SunMin;Zhai Lin-Feng; Mu Yang*; Yu Han-Qing*.Bioelectrochemicalelement conversion reactions towards generation of energy andvalue-added chemicals. Progressin Energy and Combustion Science2020, 77: 100814

  7. SunMin; Hong Xiao-Hui;Tao Xiong-Fei; Zhai Lin-Feng*; Wang Shaobin*. A generalized kineticmodel for electro-assisted catalytic wet air oxidation of triclosanon Ni@NiO/graphite electrode. ChemicalEngineering Science2020, 222(31): 115696.

  8. SunMin; Zhang Yu; KongShi-Yu; Zhai Lin-Feng*; Wang Shaobin*. Excellent performance ofelectro-assisted catalytic wet air oxidation of refractory organicpollutants. WaterResearch 2019, 158:313-321.

  9. ZhaiLin-Feng; Duan Ming-Feng;Qiao Meng-Xia; SunMin*;Wang Shaobin*.Electro-assistedcatalytic wet air oxidation of organic pollutants on a MnO@C/GFanode under room condition. AppliedCatalysis B Environmental2019, 256: 117822.

  10. SunMin; Zhang Yu; LiuHui-Hui; Zhang Feng; Zhai L.F.*; Wang Shaobin*.Room-temperature airoxidation of organic pollutants via electrocatalysis by nanoscaledCo-CoO on graphite felt anode. EnvironmentInternational2019,131: 104977.
