Qingchun Yang


FacultyName:Qingchun Yang


Position:Vice Director of Chemical Engineering and Technology Department

Office:427, Shenghua Building




B.S.,Chemical Engineering and Technology, LanzhouUniversity of Technology,2008-20012

Ph.D.,Chemical Engineering, SouthChina University of Technology,2012-2017



Imainly engage in research on optimization design of chemicalprocesses, energy conservation and carbon reduction of coal chemicalprocesses, and intelligent chemical engineering. I have successivelyled one National Natural Science Foundation project, one AnhuiProvincial Natural Science Foundation project, and three enterprisetechnology research and development projects. I have participated inone key project of the National Natural Science Foundation, two 973projects of the Ministry of Science and Technology of China, and onegeneral fund project of the National Natural Science Foundation ofChina. In recent years, I have published more than 40 high-levelpapers in two or more regions as the first or corresponding author(including 32 top papers and 2 covers), as well as 5 authorizedinvention patents.



(1)Artificialintelligence based sustainable processes developments;

(2)Conceptualdesign, process intensification, and AI based optimization ofchemical processes

(3)Process Systems Engineering

Keywords:process design; system optimization; modeling and simulation;artificial intelligence; CO2capture and utilization


ChemicalEngineering design; Chemical process simulation, etc.

SelectedFunded Projects:列出主要科研基金情况,不超过10

Researchon integrated multi-objective optimization and energy consumptionreduction mechanism of coal and hydrogen-rich resources co-fed toethylene glycol system, Grant No.22108052,National Natural Science Foundation of China, 2022-2024.

SelectedAwards and Honors:



  1. QingchunYang*,Yingjie Fan, Jianlong Zhou, Lei Zhao, Yichun Dong, Jianhua Yu, DaweiZhang. Machine learning-aided catalyst screening and multi-objectiveoptimization for the indirect CO2hydrogenation to methanol and ethylene glycol process. GreenChemistry2023, 25(18), 7216-7233.

  2. QingchunYang*,Yingjie Fan, Jianlong Zhou, Lei Zhao. Optimal integration design ofsustainable ethylene glycol production process considering economicbenefit and environmental impact. Journalof Cleaner Production2023, 396, 136540.

  3. GenyunChu, QingchunYang*,Lei Zhao, Dawei Zhang, Jianhui Xie. Conceptual Design andTechno-Economic Analysis of a Novel Coal-to-Polyglycolic AcidProcess Considering Wind–Solar Energy Complementary Features forGreen H2Production and CO2Reduction. ACSSustainable Chemistry & Engineering 2023,11, 5937-5952.

  4. QingchunYang*,Genyun Chu, Jinliang Zhang, Dawei Zhang, Jianhua Yu. Pathways towardcarbon-neutral coal to ethylene glycol processes by integrating withdifferent renewable energy-based hydrogen production technologies.EnergyConversion and Management 2022,258, 115529.

  5. XuS, Li Z, QingchunYang*,GenyunChu, Jinliang Zhang, Dawei Zhang, Huairong Zhou, Minglin Gao.Comparative Life Cycle Assessment of Energy Consumption, PollutantEmission, and Cost Analysis of Coal/Oil/Biomass to Ethylene Glycol.ACSSustainable Chemistry & Engineering2021, 9, 15849-15860.

  6. QingchunYang*,Jinliang Zhang, Genyun Chu, Huairong Zhou, Dawei Zhang. Optimaldesign, thermodynamic and economic analysis of coal to ethyleneglycol processes integrated with various methane reformingtechnologies for CO2reduction.Energy Conversion and Management2021, 244, 114538.

  7. QingYang, Genyun Chu, QingchunYang*,Jinliang Zhang,Huairong Zhou, Dawei Zhang. Process Development and TechnoeconomicAnalysis of Different Integration Methods of Coal-to-Ethylene GlycolProcess and Solid Oxide Electrolysis Cells. Industrial& Engineering Chemistry Research2021; 60(40):14519-14533.

  8. QingchunYang*, XingLiu, Qing Yang, Weiqing Huang, Peijing Yu, Dawei Zhang.Opportunitiesfor CO2utilization in coal to green fuel process: optimal design andperformance evaluation. ACSSustainable Chemistry & Engineering2020, 8, 1329-1342.

  9. QingchunYang*,Simin Xu, Qing Yang, Dawei Zhang, Zhiwei Li, Huairong Zhou, Shu Zhu.Optimal design and exergy analysis of biomass-to-ethylene glycolprocess. BioresourceTechnology 2020,275, 123972.

  10. QingchunYang, QingYang, Yi Man, Dawei Zhang, Huairong Zhou. Technoeconomic andenvironmental evaluation of oil shale to liquid fuels process incomparison with conventional oil refining process. Journalof Cleaner Production2020, 255, 120198.
