Xu Zhang





FacultyName:Xu Zhang



Office:633, Shenghua Building




B.S.,Chemical Engineering and Technology, HefeiUniversity of Technology,2005-2009

Ph.D.,Applied chemistry, Universityof Science and Technology of China,2009-2014


Recently,I have conductedresearchon the application of electrodialysis (ED) and diffusion dialysis(DD), such as preparing chlorine-free potassium fertilizer andflocculant through ED, treating the aluminum foil wastewater throughDD. In addition, work has been carried out on the resource and energyutilization of Salt-lake brines has been carried out. Relatedfindings have been published in various journals, including ChemicalEngineering Science, Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research,ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering, Journal of MembraneScience and so on.


Theresearch field is about the preparation and application of ionexchange membranes, such as the preparation of monovalent ionexchange membranes and bipolar membranes, the application ofelectrodialysis and reverse electrodialysis.

Keywords:Ion exchange membrane; Electrodialysis; Energy recovery; Ionfractionation; Water dissociation.


ChemicalEngineering Thermodynamics》、《ChemicalEngineering Design.

SelectedFunded Projects:

  • Constructionand performance control of reverse selective electrodialysis forenergy conversion of salt-lake brine, Grant No. 22178080, NationalNatural Science Foundation of China, 2022-2025.

  • Preparationand performance evaluation of intelligent polylactic acid membranematerials for green agriculture, Grant No. W2023JSKF0824, EnterpriseEntrusted Project, 2023-2025.

  • Preparationtechnology of monovalent cation exchange membranes based ontwo-dimensional layered transition metal carbon/nitride, Grant No.2308085UM09, Natural Science Foundation of Anhui Province,2023-2026.

SelectedAwards and Honors:

  • 2023NationalIdeological and Political Competence Competition for ChemicalTeachers in Undergraduate Colleges1stprize.

  • 2022AnhuiProvince Teaching Achievement Award3rdprize.

  • 2022AnhuiProvince Graduate Teaching Achievement Award3rdprize.

  • 2021UndergraduateGraduation Project (Thesis) of Hefei University ofTechnologyExcellentinstructor.


  1. YueMao, XuZhang*,Wending Zhu, Zhiqi Bao, Xianglu Zhang, Guanping Jin*, et al.Separation of lithium chloride from ammonium chloride by anelectrodialysis-based integrated process. Journalof Membrane Science,2023, 668, 121262.

  2. WenMeng, XuZhang*,Yang Zhang, Xianglu Zhang, Wending Zhu, Handa Huang*, et al.Poly(vinyl alcohol)/sodium alginate polymer membranes aseco-friendly and biodegradable coatings for slow releasefertilizers.Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture,2023, 103(7): 3592-3601.

  3. WuxingLiu, Yue Mao, Yanan Li, XuZhang*,Fabao Luo, Xiaolin Wang*, et al. Systematic research on the bipolarmembrane reverse electrodialysis performance and its application inelectrodialysis desalination. Separationand Purification Technology,2022, 290, 120909.

  4. WenjuanLi, Yanan Li, Wuxing Liu, Mengqi Fan, XuZhang*,Xiaozhao Han, et al. Continuous separation of alkali and saltthrough pressure-concentration double driven diffusion dialysis andits mathematic model. Separationand Purification Technology,2021, 272, 118934.

  5. MengLi#,Wenjuan Li#,XuZhang*,Cuiming Wu, Xiaozhao Han, Yongsheng Chen*. Polyvinyl alcohol-basedmonovalent anion selective membranes with excellent permselectivityin selectrodialysis. Journalof Membrane Science,2021, 620, 118889.

  6. XuZhang*,Mengqi Fan, Wenjuan Li, Cuiming Wu, Xiaozhao Han, Shuang Zhong, etal. Application and modeling of pressure-concentration double-drivendiffusion dialysis. Journalof Membrane Science,2020, 595, 117478.

  7. XuZhang*,Xiaozhao Han, Xun Yan, Xinping Chen, Zhenghui Jin, XianguoHu*.Continuous synthesis of high purity KNO3through electrodialys metathesis. Separationand Purification Technology,2019, 222, 85-91.

  8. XiaozhaoHan, Xun Yan, Xiaoyao Wang, Jin Ran, Cuiming Wu, XuZhang*.Preparation of chloride-free potash fertilizers by electrodialysismetathesis. Separationand Purification Technology,2018, 191, 144-152.

  9. XiaoyaoWang, Xiaozhao Han, XuZhang*,Qiuhua Li, Tongwen Xu*. Modeling of Potassium sulfate productionfrom potassium chloride by electrodialytic ion substitution. ACSSustainable Chemistry & Engineering,2017, 5(10), 9076-9085.

  10. XuZhang,Xiaoyao Wang, Qianru Chen, Yan Lv, Xiaozhao Han, Yanxin Wei, TongwenXu*. Batch preparation of high basicity polyferric sulphate byhydroxide substitution from bipolar membrane electrodialysis. ACSSustainable Chemistry & Engineering,2017, 5, 2292-2301.
