Huagao Fang


FacultyName:Huagao Fang (名在前,姓在后)



Office:510, Shenghua Building



B.S.,Polymer Materials and Technology, HefeiUniversity of Technology,1998-2002

M.S.,Materials Science and Technology, HefeiUniversity of Technology,2002-2005

Ph.D.,Materials Processing Engineering,University of Science and Technology of


VisitingScholar, Chemical Engineering, Universityof Massachusetts Amherst,2017-2018


Dr.Fang was born in April 1980. He received his PhD from University ofScience and Technology of China in 2014 and joined Hefei Universityof Technology since 2014. Dr. Fang has been engaged in the design,preparation and application of environmentally friendly polymermaterials such as biodegradable polymers and vitrimers. He publishedmore than 50 academic papers in Macromolecules and Materials Horizonset al. He holds 6 Chinese invention patents and has been invited andgiven oral reports at international and domestic academic conferencesfor more than 10 times. He is a young editorial board member of thePaint Industry and a member of polymer professional group of RheologySpecial Committee of Chinese Mechanics Society.


1.The design, preparation, application and recycling of environmentallyfriendly polymer materials such as biodegradable polymers, vitrimers,and self-healing elastomers.

2.The relation between structure and property of polymer

3.Rheology of complex fluids, especially polymer-based melts and softmatters, vitrimers.

Keywords:vitrimer, self-healing, rheology, biodegradable polymer


PolymerPhysics, Polymer Composites and Blends

SelectedFunded Projects:

1.“Synthesis, rheological properties and relaxation mechanism of theassociative dynamic covalent crosslinked polymers containingboron-nitrogen coordination sacrificial bonds” GrantNo. U2130111, National Natural Science Foundation of China JointProject, 2022-2024

2.“Research on key technology of processing of high barrier polyvinylalcohol PVA composite film” GrantNo. 2308085UM06, Anhui Provincial Natural Science Foundation JointProject, 2023-2026

SelectedAwards and Honors:

AnhuiProvince Teaching Achievement Award 2022


1.Kai Song, Wujin Ye, Xingchen Gao, Huagao Fang*, Yaqiong Zhang, QiZhang, Xueliang Li, Shanzhong Yang, Haibing Wei*YunshenDing*, Synergy Between Dynamic Covalent Boronic Ester andBoron-Nitrogen Coordination: Strategy for Self-Healing PolyurethaneElastomers at Room Temperature with Unprecedented MechanicalProperties, MaterialsHorizons,2021.01, 8(1): 216-223

2.Huagao Fang*, Fan Zhang, Yongpu Zhao, Xingchen Gao, Wenjuan Zhou,Guobin Qi, Yunsheng Ding, Henning H. Winter*, Rheology of SmecticLiquid Crystalline Elastomers with Dynamic CovalentBondsMacromolecules,2023, 56(19): 7808-7817.

3.Huagao Fang*, Xingchen Gao, Fan Zhang, Wenjuan Zhou, Guobin Qi, KaiSong, Sheng Cheng, Yunsheng Ding, Henning H. Winter*, TriblockElastomeric Vitrimers: Preparation, Morphology, Rheology, andApplications, Macromolecules,2022, 55(24): 10900-10911

4.Huagao Fang*, Wujin Ye, Yunsheng Ding, Henning H. Winter*, Rheologyof the Critical Transition State of An Epoxy Vitrimer,Macromolecules,2020, 53(12): 4855-4862

5.Huagao Fang*, Wujin Ye, Kangjie Yang, Kai Song, Haibing Wei, YunshengDing*VitrimerChemistry Enables Epoxy Nanocomposites with Mechanical Robustness andIntegrated Conductive Segregated Structure for High PerformanceElectromagnetic Interference Shielding, CompositesPart B: Engineering,2021, 215: 108782.
