Fengmei Ren


FacultyName:Fengmei Ren



Office:401, Shenghua Building




B.S.,Polymer Materials, HefeiUniversity of Technology,1999-2003

M.S.,Applied Chemistry, HefeiUniversity of Technology,2003-2006

Ph.D.,Materials Science, HefeiUniversity of Technology,2008-2015


2006.6to present, Department of Polymer Science and Engineering, HefeiUniversity of Technology. Mainly engaged in research on polymercomposites, bonding and debonding adhesives, and polymer processingand mold, published more than 20 papers and authorized more than 30Chinese patents.


Thermalconductive but insulation polymer composites, heat-resistant siliconeoil, polymer processing and mold.

Keywords:polymer composites, heat-resistant silicone oil, polymer processing


PolymerProcess Engineering,

MoldingMachinery and Mold of Polymer

SelectedFunded Projects:

  1. Technologyintegration for efficient production of environmentally friendlyprecision rubber sealsused for automotivewiring Systems,AnhuiProvince Key Research and Development Plan,1804a09020060,2018-2020.

  2. Researchand development of rubber and plastic sheathing materials and moldstructure for automotive wiring system, Enterprise entrustedproject, W2017JSKF0668, 2017-2022.

SelectedAwards and Honors:

1)Hu Wei, Zhou Zhengfa, Wu Lei, Ma Haihong, Li Wangyang, Ren Fengmei,Zhang Deshun, Xu Weibing, Wang Ruoyu, Xu Fengjin. Research anddevelopment of high performance lithium battery separators, AnhuiProvincial Science and Technology Awards First Prize, 2020.

2)Ren Fengmei, Ma Haihong, Zhou Zhengfa, Xu Weibing, Han Xiaozhao,Zhang Wei. Research on the training mode of innovation andentrepreneurship ability of materials and chemical engineeringcollege students. Anhui Provincial Teaching Achievement Award ThirdPrize, 2021.


1)Fengmei Ren, Jian Wu, Haihong Ma, Zhengfa Zhou*, Weibing Xu. Theeffect of BN/Al2O3 in-situ self-assembling on thermal conductivity ofpolypropylene composites, Polymersand Polymer Composites,2022, 30: 1-9.

2)Fengmei Ren, Qiang Xu, Zhengfa Zhou, Weibing Xu, Haihong Ma.Synthesis and Characterization of High Heat Resistant HydroxylSilicone Oil with Boron and Sulfoxide in Backbone. Silicon,2020, 12(9):2203-2210. 

3)Meng Li, Fengmei Ren, Haihong Ma, Weibing Xu, Zhengfa Zhou*.Effect of double bond position and density on properties ofUV-induced bio-based polyurethane adhesion-reducing adhesives,InternationalJournal of Adhesion and Adhesives,2023, 124: 103381.

4)Caixing Feng, Haihong Ma, Fengmei Ren, Zhengfa Zhou*,Weibing Xu. Synthesis of fully bio-based branched unsaturatedpolyester oligomers and UV curing coatings, Journalof Coatings Technology and Research,(2023.6.12/doi.org/10.1007/s11998-023-00778-3)
