Haibing Wei


FacultyName:Haibing Wei


Position:Vice Director of Department of Polymer Science and Engineering

Office:510, Shenghua Building




B.S.,Materials Chemistry, AnhuiNormal University,2002−2006

Ph.D.,Polymer Chemistry and Physics, NingboInstitute of Material Technology and Engineering, Chinese Academy ofSciences,2006−2011

Postdoc,Chemical Science, PekingUniversity,2011−2013

VisitingScientist, Materials Science, Universityof Illinois at Urbana-Champaign,2017−2018


HaibingWei was born in Hefei, China in 1983. He received a Bachelor ofScience (Materials Chemistry) from Anhui Normal University in 2006,and a PhD (2011) in Polymer Chemistry and Physics from NingboInstitute of Material Technology and Engineering, Chinese Academy ofSciences under the direction of Professor Qing Yan and ProfessorXingzhong Fang. After postdoctoral research with Professor Xinhua Wanat Peking University (2011−2013), he joined the Department ofPolymer Science and Engineering, Hefei University of Technology, asan Associate Professor in 2014. During 2017−2018, he worked as avisiting scientist at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaignwith Professor Jeffrey S. Moore. He was promoted to Full Professor in2020. He is a Senior Member of the Chinese Chemical Society and aJunior Fellow of International Association of Advanced Materials. Hisresearch interests revolve around ion-conducting polymers forelectrochemical devices.



HaibingWei’s research interests cover ion-conducting polymers forelectrochemical devices including fuel cells, water electrolyzers,and water desalination technologies. His research group is alsoparticularly interested in the controlled synthesis ofpolyelectrolytes, polyelectrolyte-electrode interfaces, fuel cellelectrode kinetics, and the decay mechanisms for fuel cells. Anotherresearch interest is related to ring-opening metathesispolymerization and rapid polymer materials manufacturing via frontalpolymerization.

  • Ion-conductingpolymers

  • Anionexchange membranes

  • Fuelcells

  • Waterelectrolysis

  • Ring-openingmetathesis polymerization


HaibingWei has taught undergraduate classes in Polymer chemistry, Functionalpolymers, and Research methods of polymeric materials. He has alsotaught graduate classes in Modern methods of polymer synthesis.

SelectedFunded Projects:列出主要科研基金情况,不超过10


Ionomersfor the catalyst layer of alkaline membrane fuel cell: moleculardesign, performance, and structure−property relationships, No.52273205, National Natural Science Foundation of China, 01, 2023−12,2026;

Fluorocarbonside chain tethered anion exchange membrane: morphology regulationand fixation, and the relationships between morphology and fuel cellpertinent properties, No. 51873054, National Natural ScienceFoundation of China, 01, 2019−12, 2022;

SelectedAwards and Honors:

2023Junior Fellow of International Association of Advanced Materials

2023Senior Member of the Chinese Chemical Society

2022Third Class of Teaching (Graduate) achievement Award of AnhuiProvince

2018Second Class of Science and Technology Progress Award of AnhuiProvince


YuZhao, Yake Yang, Sheng Wang, Tao Wang, Chao Liu, Sheng Cheng, HaibingWei*,Yunsheng Ding*. Rational design protocols to tune the morphology andconductivity of poly(arylene alkylene)-based anion exchangemembranes, Journalof Membrane Science,2023, 688, 122132.

JujiaZhang, Sian Chen, HaibingWei*,Jin Zhang, Haining Wang, Shanfu Lu*, Yan Xiang. Proton ConductorConfinement Strategy for Polymer Electrolyte Membrane Assists FuelCell Operation in Wide-Range Temperature, AdvancedFunctional Materials,2023, 33,2214097.

TaoJiang, Chenxi Wang, Tao Wang, Xuechao Wang, Xiaojuan Wang, XueliangLi*, Yunsheng Ding, HaibingWei*.Imidazolium structural isomer pyrazolium: A better alkali-stableanion conductor for anion exchange membranes, Journalof Membrane Science,2022, 660, 120843.

TaoJiang#,Cheng Wu#,Yiyang Zhou, Sheng Cheng, Shanzhong Yang, HaibingWei*,Yunsheng Ding*, Yucheng Wu. Highly stable poly(p-quaterphenylenealkylene)-based anion exchange membranes, Journalof Membrane Science,2022, 647, 120342.

YakeYang, Tao Jiang, Lijuan Li, Shuang Zhou, Huagao Fang, Xueliang Li,HaibingWei*,Yunsheng Ding*. Chemo-stable poly(quinquephenylene-co-diphenylenepiperidinium) ionomers for anion exchange membrane fuel cells,Journalof Power Sources,2021, 506, 230184.

HaibingWei*,Yan Li, Sheng Wang, Guoqing Tao, Tie Wang, Sheng Cheng, ShanzhongYang, Yunsheng Ding*. Side-chain-type imidazolium-functionalizedanion exchange membranes: The effects of additional hydrophobic sidechains and their hydrophobicity, Journalof Membrane Science,2019,579, 219−229.

XiaojuanWang, Ping Wang, Yiyan Sun, Jinlei Wang, Huagao Fang, Shanzhong Yang,HaibingWei*,Yunsheng Ding*. A mechanically strong and tough anion exchangemembrane engineered with non-covalent modalities, ChemicalCommunications,2017,53, 12369−12372.

HaibingWei,Jinlong Zhang, Nan Shi, Yang Liu, Ben Zhang, Jie Zhang*, Xinhua Wan*.A recyclable polyoxometalate-based supramolecular chemosensor forefficient detection of carbon dioxide, ChemicalScience,2015,6, 7201−7205.

HaibingWei,Shuming Du, Yang Liu, Hongxiang Zhao, Chongyi Chen, Zhibo Li, JunLin, Yang Zhang, Jie Zhang*, Xinhua Wan*. Tunable, luminescent, andself-healing hybrid hydrogels of polyoxometalates and triblockcopolymers based on electrostatic assembly, ChemicalCommunications,2014,50, 1447−1450.

HaibingWei,Guofei Chen, Lujie Cao, Qiuju Zhang, Qing Yan, Xingzhong Fang*.Enhanced hydrolytic stability of sulfonated polyimide ionomers usingbis(naphthalic anhydrides) with low electron affinity, Journalof Materials Chemistry A,2013,1, 10412−10421.
