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【10月21日】Ib Chorkendorff:Electrochemical Ammonia Synthesis (电化学合成氨)
发布时间:2023-10-18    阅读次数:141



人:Ib Chorkendorff 教授




In the future we will have to extensively rely on sustainable energy that comes in the form of electricity, and we therefore must rethink our entire chemical production which today is based on fossil resources. One of the most challenging processes is the activation of molecular nitrogen, which is essential for life, as it constitutes a part of all amino acids and nucleic acid. Sustainable energy is produced de-centrally and ammonia is used de-centrally as fertilizer, therefore imagine if we could do like Nature and synthesize ammonia at ambient conditions. We have recently demonstrated that an electrochemical lithium mediated process can indeed activate Nitrogen and synthesize ammonia at ambient conditions. We have subsequently followed up on this new insight and based on models improved the Faradaic efficiency by oscillating the potential, optimizing the Oxygen content in the Nitrogen gas, and by synthesizing high area electrodes. Very recently we have designed a fuel cell type cell which is scalable, and which can operate continuously using hydrogen as the proton source with both Li or Ca. This is the first step towards making this a viable de-centralized process, although outstanding questions concerning the energy efficiency will be discussed.


Ib Chorkendorff,丹麦技术大学物理系教授,永利集团88304官网在线登录院士。于1985年在丹麦奥登塞大学获得博士学位,随后在美国匹兹堡大学从事博士后研究。 1987年入职丹麦技术大学,并于1999年晋升为正教授。2005-2016年,担任丹麦国家研究基金会个体纳米粒子功能中心(CINF主任。2016-至今,担任可持续燃料和化学科学Villum中心(V-SUSTAIN主任。迄今共发表400余篇学术论文、23项专利和一本《现代催化和动力学概论》著作。自2017年以来,被列为高被引科学家(ISI)(领域内前1%)。Chorkendorff教授的研究工作是利用表面科学方法研究异质催化过程,包括热催化、电催化和光催化。研究方向聚焦于寻找新型催化剂,以提高可持续能源生产/转化效率并促进环境保护。此外,他是三家初创公司RENCAT APSHPNOW APSSpectroinlets APS的联合创始人。Chorkendorff教授获得过众多奖项,包括最近的2021年的维勒姆··拉斯穆森年度奖(丹麦最负盛名的奖项)以及2022年的Eni奖(能源前沿奖)。

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